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isc:labs:06 [2023/11/20 10:10]
florin.stancu [Setup]
isc:labs:06 [2024/04/09 20:48] (current)
alexandru.mircea98 [Reading and modifying memory]
Line 8: Line 8:
 ===== Setup ===== ===== Setup =====
-  * Open a lab VM instance on [[https://​cloud.grid.pub.ro|OpenStack]],​ image: **ISC 2023 rev 1**, flavor: **m1.medium**.+  * Open a lab VM instance on [[https://​cloud.grid.pub.ro|OpenStack]],​ image: **ISC 2023 rev 2**, flavor: **m1.medium**.
   * Install the 32-bit **libc** and **gcc-multilib** packages:   * Install the 32-bit **libc** and **gcc-multilib** packages:
Line 307: Line 307:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-pwndbg> x/10ww $esp+pwndbg> x/10wx $esp
 0xffffd850: ​    ​0xffffd890 ​     0xf7fbe66c ​     0xf7fbeb20 ​     0x00796568 0xffffd850: ​    ​0xffffd890 ​     0xf7fbe66c ​     0xf7fbeb20 ​     0x00796568
 0xffffd860: ​    ​0xffffd880 ​     0xf7fa9000 ​     0xf7ffd020 ​     0xf7da0519 0xffffd860: ​    ​0xffffd880 ​     0xf7fa9000 ​     0xf7ffd020 ​     0xf7da0519
isc/labs/06.1700467811.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/20 10:10 by florin.stancu
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