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isc:labs:05 [2024/04/02 12:36]
florin.stancu [[25p] 01. Security through obscurity]
isc:labs:05 [2024/04/02 16:38] (current)
florin.stancu [[25p] 01. Security through obscurity]
Line 176: Line 176:
   * Open the container. Try to read the files in ''/​etc/​secret/''​. There is a ''​flag''​ in there... can you read it?   * Open the container. Try to read the files in ''/​etc/​secret/''​. There is a ''​flag''​ in there... can you read it?
-  * Go to ''/​usr/​local/​isc/''​. There is a //hidden// directory containing a **very hidden** file (its name is made of **numbers** in ''​100-10000''​ range). Can you try to guess it?+  * Go to ''/​usr/​local/​isc/''​. There is a //hidden// directory containing a **very hidden** file (its name is **hidden number** in the ''​100-10000''​ range). Can you try to guess it?
     * //Hint: you may want to filter the output a bit.. ''​stderr''​ redirection,​ maybe?//     * //Hint: you may want to filter the output a bit.. ''​stderr''​ redirection,​ maybe?//
   * Finally, run ''​giff-me-flag'' ​   * Finally, run ''​giff-me-flag'' ​
isc/labs/05.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/04/02 16:38 by florin.stancu
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