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Laboratorul 01 - Introduction

Python3 Crash Course

Check-out this tutorial: here.

Encoding vs Encryption


  • Is used to transform data from one format to another.
  • Typically used in data transfer between different systems.
  • The information is NOT kept secret!!!
  • To decode the encoded data you only need to know the algorithm that was used.


  • Transform data in order to keep it secret.
  • The algorithm is usually public, the key is secret.
  • Keywords: plaintext, ciphertext
  • Types: Private-Key Encryption vs Public-Key Encryption (upcoming)

During the labs, you will often need to convert data from one format to another. The most used data formats are the following:

  • ASCII (text)
  • Binary (01010101)
  • Hexadecimal [0-9a-fA-F]
  • Base64 [a-Az-Z0-9] with '+' and '/'. Base64 usually ends in '=' or '=='. Used A LOT in Web because HTTP is a text transfer protocol.

Finally, here you have some useful conversion functions and XOR operations for different data formats:
import base64
def _chunks(string, chunk_size):
    for i in range(0, len(string), chunk_size):
        yield string[i:i+chunk_size]
def _hex(x):
    return format(x, '02x')
def hex_2_bin(data):
    return ''.join(f'{int(x, 16):08b}' for x in _chunks(data, 2))
def str_2_bin(data):
    return ''.join(f'{ord(c):08b}' for c in data)
def bin_2_hex(data):
    return ''.join(f'{int(b, 2):02x}' for b in _chunks(data, 8))
def str_2_hex(data):
    return ''.join(f'{ord(c):02x}' for c in data)
def bin_2_str(data):
    return ''.join(chr(int(b, 2)) for b in _chunks(data, 8))
def hex_2_str(data):
    return ''.join(chr(int(x, 16)) for x in _chunks(data, 2))
def strxor(a, b):  # xor two strings, trims the longer input
    return ''.join(chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b))
def bitxor(a, b):  # xor two bit-strings, trims the longer input
    return ''.join(str(int(x) ^ int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b))
def hexxor(a, b):  # xor two hex-strings, trims the longer input
    return ''.join(_hex(int(x, 16) ^ int(y, 16)) for (x, y) in zip(_chunks(a, 2), _chunks(b, 2)))
def b64decode(data):
    return bytes_to_string(base64.b64decode(string_to_bytes(data)))
def b64encode(data):
    return bytes_to_string(base64.b64encode(string_to_bytes(data)))
def bytes_to_string(bytes_data):
    return bytes_data.decode()  # default utf-8
def string_to_bytes(string_data):
    return string_data.encode()  # default utf-8
Bytes in Python

Check out the following examples:

text1 = "Ana are mere"
text2 = b"Ana are mere"
type(text1) # <class 'str'>
type(text2) # <class 'bytes'>

Both texts store basically the same information. The difference is in how the data is internally 'encoded' into 2 different object types. During the labs, we will mostly work with str types, but some external libraries may require to transform the data from the string representation to a bytes object.

Exercise #1 - Encoding is nice

Decode the following strings:

C1 = "010101100110000101101100011010000110000101101100011011000110000100100001"
C2 = "526f636b2c2050617065722c2053636973736f727321"
C3 = "WW91IGRvbid0IG5lZWQgYSBrZXkgdG8gZW5jb2RlIGRhdGEu"

Exercise #2 - But XOR-ing is cool

Find the plaintext messages for the following ciphertexts knowing that the cipher is the XOR operation (ciphertext = plaintext XOR key) and the key is “abcdefghijkl”.

C1 = "000100010001000000001100000000110001011100000111000010100000100100011101000001010001100100000101"
C2 = "02030F07100A061C060B1909"

Hail, Caesar!

Encrypting a letter

Let's start with a simple one:

def caesar_enc(letter):
    if letter < 'A' or letter > 'Z':
        print("Invalid letter")
        return alphabet[(ord(letter) - ord('A') + 3) % len(alphabet)]

Create a new file named containing the code above. To test the code, open the interpreter and try the following:

shell$ python
>>> from caesar import *
>>> print(alphabet)
>>> alphabet[0]
>>> ord('A')
>>> len(alphabet)
>>> ord('D') - ord('A')
>>> 26 % 26
>>> 28 % 26
>>> -1 % 26
>>> caesar_enc('D')
>>> caesar_enc('Z')
>>> caesar_enc('B')

Exercise #3 - Decrypting a letter

Add a 'caesar_dec' function to '', which decrypts a single letter encrypted using Caesar's cipher.

Encrypting a string

We'll now expand our function to take strings as input.

def caesar_enc_string(plaintext):
    ciphertext = ''
    for letter in plaintext:
        ciphertext = ciphertext + caesar_enc(letter)
    return ciphertext

Test the above by starting a new interpreter:

linux$ python -i
>>> test = 'HELLO'
>>> test + 'WORLD'
>>> caesar_enc_string(test)

Another way to run things, which can be very useful in general, is to use a main() function and write your program script as follows:
def caesar_enc(letter):
    if letter < 'A' or letter > 'Z':
        print('Invalid letter')
        return alphabet[(ord(letter) - ord('A') + 3) % len(alphabet)]
def caesar_enc_string(plaintext):
    ciphertext = ''
    for letter in plaintext:
        ciphertext = ciphertext + caesar_enc(letter)
    return ciphertext
def main():
    c = caesar_enc_string(m)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Then you can simply run the program, or type the following in a terminal:


Exercise #4 - Decrypting a string

Add the corresponding 'caesar_dec_string' function.

Shift ciphers

Python allows passing default values to parameters. We can use default parameter values to expand our 'caesar_enc' function to take the key as an additional parameter, without breaking compatibility with our previous code.

def caesar_enc(letter, k = 3):
    if letter < 'A' or letter > 'Z':
        print('Invalid letter')
        return None
        return alphabet[(ord(letter) - ord('A') + k) % len(alphabet)]
def caesar_enc_string(plaintext, k = 3):
    ciphertext = ''
    for letter in plaintext:
        ciphertext = ciphertext + caesar_enc(letter, k)
    return ciphertext

To test the new functions, try the below:

shell$ python -i
>>> caesar_enc_string('HELLO')
>>> caesar_enc_string('HELLO', 0)
>>> caesar_enc_string('HELLO', 1)

Exercise #5 - Shift Ciphers

Using default parameters, expand your shift cipher decryption functions to support arbitrary keys.

Bonus Exercise - Many-Time Pad

Decrypt the last ciphertext knowing that all the messages were encrypted with the same key using OTP.


  • What happens when you XOR a character from [a-z] with the character ' ' (spacebar). Check also for [A-Z].
  • You can't write a perfect algorithm to solve the problem in one shot, you will mostly have to guess. Why?
  • The challenge is nice, but can get tedious. Luckily for us there is a cool open source implementation. Check it out!

How to run on Windows

  1. Activate WSL (Windows Linux Subsystem) here
    1. turn Windows features on/off
    2. activate “Containers” and “Windows Subsystem for Linux”
    3. restart and install Ubuntu from Windows Store
    4. open a terminal and type ubuntu
    5. wait for the installation to complete and don't forget to “sudo apt-get upgrade”, “sudo apt-get update”
  2. check that you have python3 installed and pip (python package manager)
  3. pip install urwid
  4. python <ciphertexts filename>
ic/labs/01.1604591787.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/05 17:56 by acosmin.maria
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