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gsr:cursuri:curs-10 [2013/12/05 15:18]
gsr:cursuri:curs-10 [2016/12/15 18:31] (current)
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-====== Curs 10 - LDAP ======+====== Curs 10: Securitate: SSL și TLS ======
-  *[[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​pisr/​res/​cursuri/​curs-10.pdf | Slide-uri curs 10]] +  * [[http://​elf.cs.pub.ro/​pisr/​res/​cursuri/​curs-10.pdf|Slide-uri curs 10]]
-  ***Cuvinte cheie**: Directory, DIT, X.500, ''/​etc/​nsswitch.conf'',​ ''​getent'',​ LDAP, Active Directory, Distinguished Name (DN), intrări, atribute, LDIF, DN, RDN, DC, CN, OU, căutare, LDAP URL, base, filters, ldapsearch, ldapadd, ldappasswd, ldapmodify, ldapdelete+
-  ​***Suport** +/*
-    *Unix and Linux System Administration +
-      *Chapter 23 -- Web Hosting +
-    *Professional Linux System Administration +
-      *Chapter 11 -- Web and SQL Services+
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gsr/cursuri/curs-10.1386249510.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/05 15:18 by traian.popeea
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