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Curs 07 - Servicii de file sharing

  • Cuvinte cheie: WebDAV, SSH, file-sharing, SSH, scp, rsync, rsync daemon, /etc/rsyncd.conf, NFS, RPC, NAS, SAN, iSCSI, nfs-kernel-server, /etc/exports, mount -t nfs, Samba, /etc/samba/smb.conf, smbclient, smbmount, mount -t cifs, SWAT, sshfs, FTP, FTPS/SFTP
  • Suport
    • Unix and Linux System Administration
      • Chapter 8 – Storage (Section “Storage area networking”)
      • Chapter 18 – The Network File System
      • Chapter 30 – Cooperating with Windows (Section “Sharing files with Samba and CIFS”)
    • Professional Linux System Administration
      • Chapter 12 – File and Print Sharing
gsr/cursuri/curs-07.1377205958.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/25 18:48 (external edit)
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