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Curs 04 - Drepturi. Limitarea drepturilor. Monitorizare

  • Cuvinte cheie: drept de acces, chmod, umask, setuid, capabilities, chroot, ulimit, /etc/security/limits.conf, cote, quota, edquota, quotaon, sudo, /etc/sudoers, password aging, /etc/login.defs, usermod, chage, uptime, dmesg, sar, last, ac, sa, w, top, htop, lsof, find, netstat, jurnalizare, syslogd, logger
  • Prerequisites
  • Suport
    • Unix and Linux System Administration
      • Chapter 4 – Access Control and Rootly Powers
      • Chapter 22 – Security (pg. 896-914)
gsr/cursuri/curs-04.1377205958.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/29 06:55 (external edit)
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