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bd:resurse:tables [2019/02/22 19:17]
iulia.radulescu [Documentatia SQL]
bd:resurse:tables [2021/03/01 15:49] (current)
ciprian.truica [Documentatia SQL]
Line 2: Line 2:
 ==== Tabele ==== ==== Tabele ====
-Pentru a crea tabelele ​existente in schema user-ului Scott (emp, dept, bonus, salgrade), se poate folosi acest [[https://​github.com/​oracle/​dotnet-db-samples/​blob/​master/​schemas/​scott.sql | script]]. Alternativ, pentru a crea aceste tabele ​si tabele similare cu denumiri in limba romana, se poate folosi acest {{:​bd:​resurse:​baza_date.txt|fisier}}.+Pentru a crea tabelele si tabele similare cu denumiri in limba romana, se poate folosi acest {{:​bd:​resurse:​baza_date.txt|fisier}}.
-==== Documentatia SQL ==== +Structura tabelelor este prezentata in imaginea ​de mai jos:
-Documentatia SQL pentru Oracle Database 11g se gaseste la acest [[https://​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E11882_01/​server.112/​e41084/​title.htm | link]], ​de unde poate fi descarcata in format [[https://​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​E11882_01/​server.112/​e41084.pdf | pdf]].+
-==== Link-uri Oracle ====+{{:​bd:​resurse:​tabele_lab.png?​600|}}
-[[https://livesql.oracle.com/​apex/f?​p=590:​1000|Oracle Live SQL]] +==== Documentatia SQL ==== 
- +Documentatia SQL pentru Oracle Database 19c se gaseste la acest [[https://docs.oracle.com/​en/database/​oracle/​oracle-database/​19/​sqlrf/​index.html ​link]], de unde poate fi descarcata in format ​[[https://docs.oracle.com/​en/​database/oracle/oracle-database/19/sqlrf/sql-language-reference.pdf ​pdf]].
-[[https://github.com/​oracle/​vagrant-boxes/tree/master/OracleDatabase|Download masina virtuala Vagrant]]+
-[[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​middleware/​oedq/​downloads/​edq-vm-download-2424092.html|Download masina virtuala (.ova)]] 
-[[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​database/​enterprise-edition/​downloads/​index.html|Direct Software download]] 
bd/resurse/tables.1550855838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/22 19:17 by iulia.radulescu
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