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bd:resurse:instalare_oracle [2019/03/04 21:24]
bd:resurse:instalare_oracle [2020/03/18 22:19] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===== Instalare Oracle ===== ===== Instalare Oracle =====
-=== Instalare Oracle cu Vagrant si VirtualBox ===+==== Instalare Oracle folosind docker ==== 
 +[[https://​github.com/​oracle/​docker-images/​tree/​master/​OracleDatabase/​SingleInstance|Tutorial Instalare Docker Oracle]] 
 +==== Instalare Oracle cu Vagrant si VirtualBox ===
 +<note important>​Pentru a modifica parola de root (sau parola de la orice alt user, inclusiv oracle) pe vagrant utilizati:​ 
 +<code sql> 
 +sudo passwd root 
 +sudo passwd oracle 
 **Prerequisites** **Prerequisites**
Line 106: Line 118:
-=== Raw Install ===+==== Raw Install ​====
 Oracle Database 18c:  Oracle Database 18c: 
   * [[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​database/​enterprise-edition/​downloads/​oracle18c-windows-180000-5066774.html|Windows x64]]   * [[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​database/​enterprise-edition/​downloads/​oracle18c-windows-180000-5066774.html|Windows x64]]
Line 112: Line 124:
 <note important>​Pentru Linux aveți grijă să vă uitați ce distribuții suportă.</​note>​ <note important>​Pentru Linux aveți grijă să vă uitați ce distribuții suportă.</​note>​
-=== Pre-Built Developer VMs ===+==== Pre-Built Developer VMs ====
   * Download [[https://​www.virtualbox.org/​|Virtual Box]]   * Download [[https://​www.virtualbox.org/​|Virtual Box]]
   * mașina virtuală se găsește [[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​community/​developer-vm/​index.html|aici]].   * mașina virtuală se găsește [[https://​www.oracle.com/​technetwork/​community/​developer-vm/​index.html|aici]].
-=== Oracle Live SQL ===+==== Oracle Live SQL ====
   * poate fi accesat [[https://​livesql.oracle.com|aici]]   * poate fi accesat [[https://​livesql.oracle.com|aici]]
-=== Oracle Vagrant Boxes ===+==== Oracle Vagrant Boxes ====
   * poate fi accesat [[https://​github.com/​oracle/​vagrant-boxes/​tree/​master/​OracleDatabase|aici]]   * poate fi accesat [[https://​github.com/​oracle/​vagrant-boxes/​tree/​master/​OracleDatabase|aici]]
-=== Tutoriale Oracle Virtualbox ===+==== Tutoriale Oracle Virtualbox ​====
Line 134: Line 146:
 Daca mergeti pe varianta cu Vagrant instalati Oracle VirtualBox pana in versiunea 5.2 inclusiv - versiunea 6 nu functioneaza inca impreuna cu Vagrant. Daca mergeti pe varianta cu Vagrant instalati Oracle VirtualBox pana in versiunea 5.2 inclusiv - versiunea 6 nu functioneaza inca impreuna cu Vagrant.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
bd/resurse/instalare_oracle.1551727462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/04 21:24 by iulia.radulescu
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