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bd:resurse:comenzi_utile [2019/03/06 11:10]
fbratiloveanu created
bd:resurse:comenzi_utile [2019/04/25 10:33] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ==== Comenzi Utile ==== ==== Comenzi Utile ====
 +  * Parole
 +<note warning>
 +User: stud1
 +Pass: student
 +User: c##stud1
 +Pass: student
 +  * Formatare afisare
 +<code sql> ​
 +set lines 100
 +set PAGES 100
 +  * Lista cu tabelele la care are acces userul curent: ​
 +<code sql> select table_name from user_tables;​ </​code>​
 +  * Coloanele unui tabel: ​
 +<code sql> desc <​table_name>;​ describe emp; </​code>​
 +  * Verificarea constrangerilor existente: ​
 +<code sql> ​
 +--Method 1
 +select * from user_constraints;​
 +--Method 2
 +select constraint_name,​ constraint_type,​ table_name ​
 +from user_constraints ​
 +where table_name = '​EMP';​
 +--Method 3
 +select constraint_name,​ constraint_type,​ table_name ​
 +from user_constraints ​
 +where REGEXP_LIKE(table_name,​ '​EMP|DEPT|SALGRADE'​);​
 +--Method 4
 +select * from user_cons_columns;​
 +  * Verificarea cheilor straine
 +<code sql>
 +--current fk
 +CAST(a.table_name AS VARCHAR(20)) TABLE_NAME, ​
 +CAST(a.column_name AS VARCHAR(20)) COLUMN_NAME, ​
 +CAST(a.constraint_name AS VARCHAR(20)) CONSTRAINT_NAME, ​
 +CAST(c.owner AS VARCHAR(20)) OWNER, ​
 +-- referenced pk
 +CAST(c.r_owner AS VARCHAR(20)) R_OWNER, ​
 +CAST(c_pk.table_name AS VARCHAR(20)) R_TABLE_NAME,​
 +CAST(c_pk.constraint_name AS VARCHAR(20)) R_PK
 +FROM user_cons_columns a
 +JOIN user_constraints c ON a.owner = c.owner
 +                       AND a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name
 +JOIN user_constraints c_pk ON c.r_owner = c_pk.owner
 +                          AND c.r_constraint_name = c_pk.constraint_name
 +WHERE c.constraint_type = '​R'​
 +AND a.table_name = '​EMP';​
 +  * Formatare data(mai multe informatii [[https://​docs.oracle.com/​cd/​B28359_01/​olap.111/​b28126/​dml_commands_1029.htm#​OLADM780|aici]])
 +<code sql>
 +-->​verificare format
 +--a. Method 1
 +define _DATE
 +--b. Method 2
 +SELECT sysdate FROM dual;
 +-->​modificare format
 +ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format='​DD-MON-YYYY';​
 +  * Verificare indecși
 +<code sql>
 +select index_name, table_name from user_indexes;​
bd/resurse/comenzi_utile.1551863438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/06 11:10 by fbratiloveanu
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