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Lab 3. Dedicated firewall security (part 1) - FTD



After a period of time, our company managed to have some income and decided to invest it in security equipment, a license for a Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (known as FTD). In the first day, as expected, there is need to setup the virtual machine and create a simple topology with the server connected in Outside zone and client area in Inside one.

Lab infra

This new security equipment called ftd is a Cisco Firepower version 6.6.1-91. You can find it on your local machine in $HOME directory. Your task is to add to qemu directory , use a specific naming format for Firepower and image and solve the permission problems (this is based of this tutorial):

Please note that this image is in general VERY unstable (last year while working on GNS3 had many issues like: cannot access from web-ui after some edits, interfaces that disappear, logs that are not generated, url filtering does not work properly for categories etc.) so be vary patient while using it. You may need sometimes to redo steps 1→3.

t0. ssh to the eve-ng machine (use user root and -X flag)

user@host:~# ssh -l root -X 10.3.0.A (where A is your 4th byte in ipv4 address)

t1. create the directory for FTD image:

root@SRED:~# cdq 
# note: cdq is an alias for 'cd /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu'
root@SRED:~# mkdir firepower6-FTD-6.6.1-91


t2. move the qcow2 image to this path

root@SRED:~# mv hda.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.6.1-91

The VM is delivered to customer in vmdk format, but it was converted to qcow2 format (a disk image format used by qemu) using the command:

root@SRED:~# /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 Cisco_Firepower_Threat_Defense_Virtual-6.6.1-91.vmdk /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.6.1-91/hda.qcow2

t3. solve the permissions:

root@SRED:~# /opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

t4 (optional!). boot the image in ad-hoc mode from cli (just to test it):

root@SRED:/opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/firepower6-FTD-6.6.1-91# /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -hda hda.qcow2 -m 8192 -smp 8

qemu options:

'-hda ' = specify the virtual hard drive with an image to boot

' -m ' = ram

' -smp ' = number of cores for cpu

Select the first option, then wait for the kernel to boot. Close the machine after booting completed (you can send a simple SIGINT signal to the process).

t5. go to eve-ng webui from your browser (http://10.3.0.A) and create a new lab by closing the old one (left > expand > close lab), create a new one (add new lab) and open it.

Create a new node for the FTD:

Right click > Add new object Node > Search for Firepower version 6 (if you cannot find it, go back to steps 1,2 and 3) > select the required image name (it is based on the folder name):

See the configuration:

- ram 8GB (at least 8 are required)

- cpu 8

- Ethernet interfaces 4.

Q: Why do we need 4 netw interfaces on FTD?

See the following image:

The first interface is used for managing the FTD remotely or locally if we are in lab network from upb. Is it strictly used for accessing the webui of equipment (most of the times) and no other traffic like forwarding packets from clients to other networks or creating ipsec tunnels with cloud instances or clients connected via vpn client (I will give you here some examples). This part will be used by the next interfaces, which are known as traffic ones.

The next one is a console one which is not available in eve-ng (device can be managed anyway like a console attached to it using vnc or rdp).

The following 3 ones are Gigabit interfaces which represent:

- outside area: used by default by firewall for internet access (you will this at easy setup for ntp and license activation). This needs to remain only for outside area. The next ones can be changed as we want internally.

- inside area: used by internal clients to connect to firewall. There exists by default a NAT rule to translate internal ips dynamically to external one and an access policy rule for allowing any traffic from inside to outside.

- the third one can be used for other networks (like DMZ or visitors - see lab 2). Currently, we are keeping it disabled for the third lab.

As a conclusion here, FTD forwards and filters traffic generated from inside to outside area based on security policies. An important note here is that returning traffic is also allowed, as it comes from internal zone (see there is no need for an access policy in mirror). Note that this means we cannot by default to access from the Router Linux VM the client machine.

Remember how we did with ZBF config pairs. We created a pairing VISITOR-TO-DMZ with src VISITOR and dst DMZ, which let traffic generated internally on visitor side to pass to server and also the response.

t6. we will need to access the machine remotely. The first solution that comes to mind is to add in the same subnet as the eve-ng machine (with Internet access). To do this, simply create a new network (Right click > Network) and select type management/Cloud0. Then attack a wire from this Cloud to FTD (select the first interface - mgmt for FTD). Using this, it will take an ip address from the ESX vswitch.

Eve-ng uses internally bridges for links between the devices or between devices and other esx interfaces. For example, when you create a network link between FTD and a Linux device (or 2 nodes), there is generated a bridge vnetX_Y (X for device id and Y for interface id) which contains interfaces created for each node (vunl format) - example:

root@SRED:~# brctl show
vnet0_4		8000.1eb89307059b	no		vunl0_1_2

We also have 10 bridge interfaces for internet access, that need to contain firstly eth0 (for internet access) and vunl ones used by cloud nodes that provide to other equipments internet access - example:

root@SRED:~# brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
pnet0		8000.005056b8f1f9	no		eth0

Above see that there is a bridge between eth0 and 2 cloud interfaces (used by 2 devices for internet access). Any device connected to that cloud node will get its ip using dhcp (more information about this will be added on setup lab page).

t7. save node config and create another 2 nodes and new 2 networks:

- 1 node with Linux image linux-ubuntu-18.04-server_machine (keep the rest of default config) and 1 node with Linux image linux-ubuntu-18.04-client1_machine (keep also the rest of default config)

- 2 networks, both with type Management/Cloud0 (attached to eth0). Each device connected to it will get its own ip from range using dhcp.

To create links node - node and node-network, simply hover over the node until you see the plug logo and drag it to the correspondent node/network. Create the topology as seen below (client - FTD using G0/1 and linux_router - FTD using G0/0):

t8. start all nodes (go to left > expand > More Actions > Start all nodes). Access firstly the FTD machine from vnc/rdp and wait for it to boot (the kernel boot might take up to 10-15 minutes).

t9. after boot, you will need to enter the default credentials:

user: admin; password: Admin123

t10. press enter to display EULA and accept it (YES):

t11. enter a new password for cli access - use student or any passwd you want:

t12. configure the mgmt network interface using dhcp protocol and check in the end the ip address:

> show network
# see here the IPv4 configuration

After this, we can access webui of FTD (named FDM - firepower device manager) by going to browser and typing: https://MGMT_IP (see it from above command output) (note that you need to specify protocol https as it does not do redirect and port 80 is closed). You may see at the beginning (this happens mostly when accessing it after a restart) the code 503 service unavailable - due to the fact the service is not yet ready - wait for 2,3 minutes and refresh the page.

Credentials are:

user: admin password: student (or the passwd you set on step 11)

t13. Go through the easy setup part and activate 90-days trial. You may see some errors on step 1 as we did not completed Linux Router VM configuration.

t14. Leave the FDM and go to Linux Router VM. See that on interface eth0, there is assigned an ip address from range If not execute the command:

eve@ubuntu:~# sudo dhclient eth0

The interface between Router - FTD uses subnet, with .1 address used by firewall and .2 by Linux machine:

eve@ubuntu:~# sudo ip a a dev eth1

We will need to enable routing and create a nat policy using iptables for forwarding traffic that originates from firewall (is like linking a firewall to your local router):

eve@ubuntu:~# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward # enable routing (disabled by def)
eve@ubuntu:~# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
eve@ubuntu:~# iptables -t nat -L
MASQUERADE all -- anywhere anywhere

t15. Come back to FDM and go to Device: firepower (4th up side) > Interfaces > View All interfaces > Edit GigabitEthernet0/0 and add the ip address with subnet (optional a description).

The internal routing table is empty, so we need to a default static route one. Go to Device: firepower > Routing > View configuration > add (+ sign) and add:

See that networks is any-ipv4 (default network object with type network and value) and gw linux_gw (another network object with type host and value).

Deploy the config and wait for some minutes (second circle):

Each configuration you make on the FTD, you need to deploy/commit it (is not like the 7200 router, where each configuration is applied immediately). Please try to deploy multiple edits as this takes 2-3 minutes.

t16. After commit is finished, go to first circle in the image from above (cli console) and ping or It should receive all responses.

t17. Go again to interfaces and check G0/1 - see that it has already assigned and the ip address and has attached a dhcp server (pool 45.46 - 45.254). Go to client Linux machine and check the address of eth0:

eve@ubuntu:~# sudo ip a s dev eth0

# if you do not have one
eve@ubuntu:~# sudo dhclient eth0

See that also a default route was injected, but no dns server (by default dhcp server has configuration with dns servers empty):

eve@ubuntu:~# ip r s
default via [...]
eve@ubuntu:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
options edns0
# add dns ip
eve@ubuntu:~# echo "" >> /etc/resolv.conf

t18. In the end, try to ping from client or access from Mozilla browser

After you finish working with FTD equipment, please go to cli mode and type:

> shutdown
This command will shutdown the system. Continue?
Please enter 'YES' or 'NO': YES

This will ensure everything is handled right when shutting down the device (if you just stop it from webui, you will need to redo all the steps from above!).


e1. [8p] Full setup

Go through all steps t1→ t18 from tutorial and make sure client has internet access.

e2. [1p] Don't ping

Block all icmp traffic from inside zone to outside zone (application ICMP - default one). Deploy and test ping to

e3. [1p] No more social media

Block all URL traffic to from inside zone (URL tab > + > create new URL > add name and URL Deploy and test facebook access from Mozilla. Check that twitter/other website works.

sred/lab3.1604668258.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/06 15:10 by horia.stoenescu
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