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Security of Mobile Devices (SMD)



  • An update on how the activities will continue can be found here for SRIC and here for SAS.
  • The face-to-face activities have been suspended. However, the online activities can continue. More details can be found here for SRIC and here for SAS
  • On 11th and 12th March 2020, only the course will be held. More information with regards to the labs can be found here for SRIC and here for SAS.
  • Please choose the project theme, discuss with your teaching assistant about it (if it's too easy, too complicated, suggestions, etc) and register your project description on the course platform. More details about the project can be found here. Deadline: 22 March 2020, 23:59.
  • Important: The first lecture will take place on 20 February. The first labs will take place 26 February and 27 February


Day Time Location Person
Thursday 18:00 EC101 Vlad Traista-Popescu & invited speakers
Day Time Location Person
Wednesday 20:00 EG207 Adriana Draghici
Thursday 20:00 EG207 Ancuta Barzu
Thursday 20:00 EG106 Vasile Cosovanu
smd.1584205079.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/03/14 18:57 by vlad.traista
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