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smd:sidebar [2023/05/08 11:01]
smd:sidebar [2023/06/18 16:26] (current)
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   * [[smd:​cursuri:​malware|08. Invited Speaker Gabriel Cirlig - Android Reversing: Tales from the Frontline]]   * [[smd:​cursuri:​malware|08. Invited Speaker Gabriel Cirlig - Android Reversing: Tales from the Frontline]]
   * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-intro|09. Invited Speaker Adrian Florescu - The Basics of iOS Development]]   * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-intro|09. Invited Speaker Adrian Florescu - The Basics of iOS Development]]
-  * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-security-1|10. iOS Security (1)]] +  * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-security-1|10. ​Reversing and Sandboxing in iOS]] 
-  * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-security-2|11. iOS Security (2)]]+  * [[smd:​cursuri:​ios-security-2|11. ​Access Control in iOS]]
 ====== Labs ====== ====== Labs ======
smd/sidebar.1683532886.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/08 11:01 by laura.ruse
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