During the 2022 term all activities will be held online.
The courses and labs will be held on the Teams channel.
You can find information about the project on the Assignment page.
During the lab intervals the teaching assistants will provide an introduction to that week's topic (approx 15-30 mins) and will be available to answer your questions regarding the topic and exercises.
The solutions will be submitted on your own private repository hosted by Github classroom. We will not grade any solutions sent in archive form or uploaded to non-classroom linked repositories or sent in any other way (email).
When the PR is accepted you can merge it. Do not merge your PR's without receiving any feedback from the TA.
The TA will try (not guarantee) to review your PRs in the first week after their submission.
You can solve the lab exercises in Java or in Kotlin and use any additional library you find useful. If in doubt about a library, ask the TA during the lab session or on MS Teams chat.
Will the lab sessions be recorded?
We will record the sessions if during them all the participants are ok with that. We will ask at the beginning of each session for your consent. The recordings will be available on Teams.
What should I do if I have a question regarding my solution, during the live lab session?
You can share your screen and show the code or if you don't want others to see it, just push to your repo and ask the TA to look at it there.
What will happen to my repository at the end of the semester?
Github allows you to transfer your repository to your personal account. We configured the classroom assignments such that you are the admins of your repos.
Your repositories will be deleted in a few months after the end of the semester.