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smd:res:labslots [2021/02/22 20:03]
smd:res:labslots [2021/03/05 08:50] (current)
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 ====== Lab Slots ====== ====== Lab Slots ======
-Numarul maxim de studenti pentru un laborator este de 24.+On March 5th, at 9 AM, we will open the registration for the lab slots.  
 +The number of students accepted in a lab slot is limited to 25. 
 +If there are too many registered for one slot they will be redistributed to other slots.
 +Please choose your lab interval in this [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1T-1QWgb9amWNnVB-fph6BDW_37g3XffR4AzEIV7JT1c/​edit#​gid=0|document]].
-===== Thursday 10-12 (MS Teams, Costin Carabas) ===== 
-===== Thursday 16-18 (MS Teams, Costin Carabas) ===== 
-===== Thursday 20-22 (MS Teams, Adriana Draghici) ===== 
smd/res/labslots.1614016984.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/22 20:03 by laura.ruse
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