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smd:res:labslots [2020/02/27 16:32]
dpopa2 [Wednesday 20-22 (EG207, Adriana Draghici)]
smd:res:labslots [2021/03/05 08:50] (current)
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 ====== Lab Slots ====== ====== Lab Slots ======
-Numarul maxim de studenti pentru un laborator este de 25. +On March 5th, at 9 AM, we will open the registration for the lab slots.  
-===== Wednesday 20-22 (EG207, Adriana Draghici) =====+The number of students accepted in a lab slot is limited to 25. 
 +If there are too many registered for one slot they will be redistributed to other slots.
-1Eduard Stoica - SRIC\\ +Please choose your lab interval in this [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1T-1QWgb9amWNnVB-fph6BDW_37g3XffR4AzEIV7JT1c/​edit#​gid=0|document]].
-2Serban Razvan ​-SPF\\ +
-3. Mina Mihai-Zicu - SRIC\\ +
-4Bînă Dan Valentin - ISI\\ +
-5. Amza Elena Violeta - SRIC\\ +
-6. Dudau Adrian-Constantin - SRIC\\ +
-7. Dumitrache Daniela Andreea - SRIC\\ +
-8. Calugareanu Anghel - SRIC\\ +
-9. Pîrvulescu Alexandra - SRIC\\ +
-10. Vasile Alexandru-Cătălin - SRIC\\ +
-11. Pîrvan Alina-Irina - SRIC\\ +
-12. Pogonaru Mihai - SCPD\\ +
-13. Babu Liza-Elena - SAS\\ +
-14. Popa Dan - SRIC \\+
-===== Thursday 20-22 (EG207, Ancuta Barzu) ===== 
-1. Palade Corina-Teodora - SAS \\ 
-2. Ifrim Rares-Cristian - AAC \\ 
-3. Icatoiu Vlad-Cosmin - SRIC \\ 
-4. Fetoiu Catalin-Emil - SRIC \\ 
-5. Titiliuc Cosmin-Ionut - SRIC \\ 
-6. Done Cristian-Florin - SAS \\ 
-7. Dumitrache Adrian - SAS \\ 
-8. Sarghe Cristian - SAS \\ 
-9. Tica Ioana-Teodora - SCPD \\ 
-10. Maxim Alexandru-Sorin - SAS \\ 
-11. Brebene Andrei-Mugurel - SAS \\ 
-12. Trifu Marius-Constantin - SAS \\ 
-13. Belciu Maria-Alexandra - SRIC \\ 
-14. Vlad-Andrei Badoiu - SAS \\ 
-15. Diana Lupancescu - SAS \\ 
-16. Roxana Nicolescu - SRIC \\ 
-17. Petrescu Dragos - SAS\\ 
-18. Ularu Cosmin - SAS\\ 
-19. Marzavan Iani - SAS \\ 
-===== Thursday 20-22 (EG106, Vasile Cosovanu) ===== 
-1. Palaghita Emilia - Elena - SSA\\ 
-2. Guzu Octavian - SAS\\ 
-3. Burdușelu Mihai - SRIC\\ 
-4. Damian Andrei - SRIC\\ 
-5. Ungureanu Ricardo - SAS\\ 
-6. TEODOR Vlad -SRIC\\ 
-7. Ungureanu Theodor - SAS\\ 
-8. Mitruta Liviu - SRIC\\ 
-9. Popa Razvan - SAS\\ 
-10. Boghici Eusebiu - SRIC\\ 
-11. Dirman Florin-Catalin - SAS\\ 
-12. Ungureanu Diana-Gabriela - SRIC\\ 
-13. Pintilie Alexandru Daniel - SAS\\ 
-14. Radulescu Anca - SAS\\ 
-15. Ghinea Nicolae-Florin - SRIC\\ 
-16. Tone Costin - SRIC\\ 
-17. NEGRU Cristian - SRIC \\ 
-19. Iordache Ioanid George - SAS \\ 
-20. Iacobini Mario Eduard - SAS \\ 
-21. Voineag Cristina - SAS \\ 
-22. Mosmanu Lucian - SAS \\ 
-23. Mirescu Andreea Alexandra - SAS \\ 
-24. Geanaliu Madalina Gabriela - SRIC \\ 
-25. Radu Raluca-Elena - SRIC \\ 
smd/res/labslots.1582813956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/27 16:32 by dpopa2
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