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Assignment teams

Register your project and team here (there can be at most 2 students per project). Please offer a small description of the project.

  1. Weather Application - Stan Cristiana-Stefania, Pandelica Adrian-Eduard
    • this project will present the weather forecast, based on the user's location or their city of choice
  2. Air Quality Application - Cristian-Claudiu Cazan
    • based on the user's location, the app will provide a heatmap of the surrounding air quality
  3. London Public Transportation Info - Robert Tănase
    • based on the api provided by TFL, the app will show the timetables for various bus routes
  4. Automatic WiFi scanner & DB generator - Mantu Radu-Alexandru
    • periodically scans for WiFi networks and creates a database with SSID, geolocation, security protocol, etc.
  5. Location Based To-Do List - Pătru Camelia
    • task reminders are triggered at specific locations
  6. Two Factor Authentication using QR Code (2FA-QR) - Lucian PAIUSESCU
    • App that scans QR code presented at login and uses a custom API to complete the 2FA
smd/res/assignment-teams.1552773192.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/16 23:53 by lucian.paiusescu
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