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 Register your project and team here (there can be at most 2 students per project). Please offer a small description of the project. Register your project and team here (there can be at most 2 students per project). Please offer a small description of the project.
-  - Weather Application - Stan Cristiana-Stefania,​ Pandelica Adrian-Eduard+  - Weather Application - John Doe
     * this project will present the weather forecast, based on the user's location or their city of choice     * this project will present the weather forecast, based on the user's location or their city of choice
-  - Air Quality Application - Cristian-Claudiu Cazan +
-    * based on the user's location, the app will provide a heatmap of the surrounding air quality +
-  - London Public Transportation Info - Robert Tănase +
-    * based on the api provided by TFL, the app will show the timetables for various bus routes +
-  - Automatic WiFi scanner & DB generator - Mantu Radu-Alexandru +
-    * periodically scans for WiFi networks and creates a database with //SSID//, //​geolocation//,​ //security protocol//, etc. +
-  - Location Based To-Do List - Pătru Camelia +
-    * task reminders are triggered at specific locations +
-  - Two Factor Authentication using QR Code (2FA-QR) - Lucian PAIUSESCU +
-    * App that scans QR code presented at login and uses a custom API to complete the 2FA +
-  - Pedestrian Congestion - Tudorut Tudor - Robert, Mustata Ionut - Alexandru +
-    * Trafic map for pedestrians,​ database & api endpoint & services.  +
-  - Food ideas - Vlad-Mihai Corneci, Izot Paul +
-    * Recipes ideas based on the ingredients you already have, meals and kcal tracker. +
-  - UV Exposure alert - Bajenaru Cristian - Mihai +
-    * App that monitors the UV exposure of the user and alerts him when a dangerous threshold has been reached +
-  - Mergi Pe Gratis (pe risc propriu) - Nitu Ovidiu-Alexandru,​ Zamfir Vlad-Andrei +
-    * Aplicatie ce detecteaza controlori RATB si genereaza SMS cu o calatorie (mocking SMS la 7476) +
-  - Food recommendation Application - Ionescu Stefan +
-    * Automatically suggests what to cook today + kcal. counter +
-  - Bird Radar - Vornicu Dan-Claudiu +
-    * uses real time location to show the most common bird species that live in the area +
-  - Logo Detector - Popa Stefan-Adrian +
-    * recognizes logos from photos taken by the user (will use Google CloudVision API) +
-  - Showverwatch - Vlad Pelin & Laura Cojocaru +
-    * tv show tracking app, uses the movie database api (https://​www.themoviedb.org/​) +
-  - Personality Analyzer - Vanghele Ramona +
-    * reads text or messages to determine personality type +
-  - News - Pandelea Alexandru, Radu Roxana +
-    * aggregates news based on the preferences of the user. +
-  - TravelToDo - Rares Visalom +
-    * things to do when traveling, integrated with maps and places +
-  - Package Tracking - Botezatu Laurentiu-Florin & Darie Mihai-Cristian +
-    * Shipment delivery checking app based on tracking number. API's used in different online tracking apps will be used. +
-  - Earthquake detector - Popa Crina +
-    * gives you information about latest quakes in the World, filter what you see, view on map, alerts +
-  - Running Application - Nicolae Mihai +
-    * allows user to set step/​running sessions goals and receive reminders +
-  - AppChecker - Munteanu Filip +
-    * Checking Apps on VirusTotal and searching for hashes(https://​developers.virustotal.com/​). Due to limitation of a free account, a backup project is giving event recommandations based on location(https://​www.eventbrite.com/​platform/​api) +
-  - AuctionHouse - Avram Constantin-Dan +
-    * Application used to bid/buy objects from an auction house. +
-  - Taglich - Mihai Despotovici,​ Anda-Alexandra Dorneanu +
-    * Uber-like application used to hire people to do some small jobs. +
-  - Whist helper app - Cristian-Andrei SANDU +
-    * helper app for the Whist card game - keeps track of player scores and bids etc. +
-  - Messenger app - Cosmin-Ioan PETRISOR, Andra-Teodora ILIE +
-    * Location based chat interface for P2P messaging using firebase (https://​firebase.google.com/​). Will enable users to find each other more easily based on location and will boost security by using oAuth login. +
-  - Recipe app - Ionuț-Cătălin NICULICI +
-    * Aplicație pentru căutarea, crearea şi stocarea rețetelor culinare. +
-  - Pressure - Călin Alexandru +
-    * Tracks FOREX rates over recent time periods and, by monitoring the volume of an existing cryptocurrency market (here, this is simulated), enables one to see its market value and perform transactions. +
-  - Bus tracking app - Prunaru Cosmin-Nicolae,​ Mondiru Cristian +
-    * Real-time tracking of buses, lines and approximate time of arrival in station. +
-  - Home Assistant - Iulian Chis, Radu Postolache +
-    * App which receives notifications and interacts with different smart home sensors and devices by using a raspberry pi as a server. +
-  - Location-based Messaging System - Dan Sporici, Elena Cusnir +
-    * Allows the user to leave text messages on different locations (for a short amount of time) - the location of the messages can be viewed on the map but only those who are close enough distance-wise can read their content.  +
-  - eLearning App ( Android language ) - Banuta Mihai, Sinziana Baleanu +
-    * The app focuses on providing a suitable platform to learn Android Development. Some chapters provide api intregration like weather or maps. +
-  - Find different locations (restaurants,​ museums, sports halls) and save them in a list. - Negrutin George-Alexandru +
-    * The app searches specific locations in a specific area. +
-  - Password manager application. - Stancu Mihai  +
-    * The app will store user passwords and will create a security score for the user. +
-    * Reference app: Lastpass +
-  - getOffline - Daniela Petrache +
-    * Filter your internet life! **getOffline** is an app that monitors how much a user spends on social media applications and sends warning notifications as well as enabling/ disabling these applications. +
-  - Favorite locations - Pipis Raul-Alex +
-    * Application that monitors your daily routine, finds your favorite locations and offers you telemetry data. Api integration with maps API. +
-  - Currency Converter - Marin Madalina Angelica +
-    * Application that convert your money based on current values from around the world and stores your transactions. +
-  - YetAnotherMovieDataBase - Sergiu Weisz +
-    * Use http://​www.omdbapi.com/​ to keep track of the movies that you have watched and review them. +
-  - Recomandari de localuri in functie de locatie si timp - Draguteanu Eugeniu +
-    * Aplicatia va oferi recomandari de localuri in functie de locatia curenta, timp (dimineata - cafea, ziua - localuri cu mancare gatita, seara - puburi) folosind Google Places API. +
-   - Canary - Ana-Maria Popa, Florin Calota +
-    * A Twitter bot which notifies the user about configurable Twitter-related events.  +
-   - aome - Ovidiu-Marian Negoita +
-    * Location based advertisements,​ according to user interests +
-   - YetAnotherFileSharingApp - Andrei-Robert Baronescu +
-    * File sharing client app on Android +
-   - MFP Hacks - Silvia Pripoae +
-    * Using the MyFitnessPal API to implement missing features+
smd/res/assignment-teams.1555314267.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/15 10:44 by silvia.pripoae
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