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smd:laboratoare:old:08 [2019/03/06 15:02] (current)
adriana.draghici created
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 +===== Lab 08. Secure Protocols =====
 +=== Task 1 - Fetch web page through HTTPS (3p) ===
 +Create an application that downloads a web page through HTTPS. The activity includes an EditText, a Button and a TextView. The user introduces an URL and clicks on the button to obtain the contents of the web page. 
 +  * When the Button is clicked, check network connectivity through the **ConnectivityManager**
 +  * Then, perform network operations in an **AsyncTask**
 +  * Use **HttpsURLConnection** for performing HTTPS GET requests
 +  * Get associated **InputStream** for receiving the reply
 +  * The reply is displayed in the TextView
 +Hint: See task 1 from lab 3 and adapt it to use **HttpsURLConnection**.
 +Test using different HTTPS URLS (e.q. https://​www.google.com/​). Then test with different subdomains from https://​badssl.com/​ (with valid and invalid certificates).
 +Resources: ​
 +  * https://​developer.android.com/​training/​basics/​network-ops/​connecting.html
 +  * https://​developer.android.com/​training/​articles/​security-ssl.html
 +=== Task 2 - Display system trust store (3p) ===
 +The Android system includes a system (default) trust store, which includes a list of trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).
 +Modify the previous application in order to display the system trust store using **TrustManager**.  ​
 +  * Obtain an instance of **TrustManagerFactory** and initialize it
 +  * Obtain an instance of the first **TrustManager** (**X509TrustManager**)
 +  * Display information about each trust anchor (**X509Certificate**)
 +Resources: ​
 +  * http://​nelenkov.blogspot.ro/​2011/​12/​using-custom-certificate-trust-store-on.html
 +=== Task 3 - Use a custom trust store (4p) ===
 +The previous application will not be able to fetch web pages on a server with a certificate that is issued by an unknown CA. For example: https://​untrusted-root.badssl.com/,​ which uses  certificate which is not trusted by Android by default. Extend the application in order to be able to access this URL, by loading and using a custom trust store.
 +  * Save website certificate from your browser
 +  * Put the certificate in **res/​raw/​**
 +  * Load trusted CAs from file
 +  * Create a **KeyStore** object and insert the trusted CAs
 +  * Obtain an instance of **TrustManagerFactory** and initialize it
 +  * Obtain an instance of **SSLContext** and initialize it
 +  * Create an **URL** object
 +  * Obtain an **HttpsURLConnection**
 +  * Configure the HttpsURLConnection to use the **SocketFactory** from the **SSLContext**
 +  * Read from an **InputStream**
 +Resources: ​
 +  * https://​developer.android.com/​training/​articles/​security-ssl.html
smd/laboratoare/old/08.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/03/06 15:02 by adriana.draghici
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