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smd:laboratoare:08 [2021/05/13 19:47]
adriana.draghici [Task 3 - Generate and Verify HMAC (4p)]
smd:laboratoare:08 [2021/05/13 19:51] (current)
adriana.draghici [Lab 8 - Cryptography 2]
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 ====== Lab 8 - Cryptography 2 ====== ====== Lab 8 - Cryptography 2 ======
-<note important>​This page hasn't been updated yet for the 2021 semester and may contain outdated information</​note>​ 
 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
    * Protect the app's APK using signing    * Protect the app's APK using signing
    * Use Android'​s KeyStore to generate and store cryptographic keys and use them to sign an app    * Use Android'​s KeyStore to generate and store cryptographic keys and use them to sign an app
-   * Verify message integrity using HMAC(hash-based message authentication code)+   * Verify message integrity using HMAC (hash-based message authentication code)
      * generate HMAC to sign a message      * generate HMAC to sign a message
      * verify HMAC to check that the received message was not modified      * verify HMAC to check that the received message was not modified
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 ==== Task 3 - Generate and Verify HMAC (4p) ==== ==== Task 3 - Generate and Verify HMAC (4p) ====
 +<note tip>
 +Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) is a mechanism for verifying the authenticity and integrity of a message. ​
 +You can compute it using a hashing crypto algorithm (e.g. SHA-2 family HMAC) and a secret symmetric key. In Android you can use the standard Java API (javax.crypto) for computing it.
 Add an activity to the project. Include an **EditText** and a **Button** in the first activity. When the user types a text and presses the button, it will send the text to the second activity through an intent (**putExtra**). In the second activity, get the message from the Intent and display it in the **TextView**. ​ Add an activity to the project. Include an **EditText** and a **Button** in the first activity. When the user types a text and presses the button, it will send the text to the second activity through an intent (**putExtra**). In the second activity, get the message from the Intent and display it in the **TextView**. ​
smd/laboratoare/08.1620924442.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/05/13 19:47 by adriana.draghici
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