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smd:laboratoare:04 [2021/04/08 11:24]
alexandru.chirvase [Threading in Android]
smd:laboratoare:04 [2021/05/12 17:46] (current)
adriana.draghici [Tasks]
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 We will also briefly discuss AsyncTasks, which are not recommended and will be deprecated in the next Android release (R). We will also briefly discuss AsyncTasks, which are not recommended and will be deprecated in the next Android release (R).
-Because ​the SMD labs' scope do not include learning a new language, we will not address in this lab asynchronous programming using the **[[https://​developer.android.com/​topic/​libraries/​architecture/​coroutines|coroutines]]** provided in **Kotlin**. Nonetheless,​ if you want to learn and code in Kotlin, or are already familiar with it, feel free to use them in your project. Useful video overview: [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=BOHK_w09pVA|Understand Kotlin Coroutines on Android (Google I/​O'​19)]]. +<note tip>Because ​this course'scope does not include learning a new language, we will not address in this lab asynchronous programming using the **[[https://​developer.android.com/​topic/​libraries/​architecture/​coroutines|coroutines]]** provided in **Kotlin**. Nonetheless,​ if you want to learn and code in Kotlin, or are already familiar with it, feel free to use them in your project. Useful video overview: [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=BOHK_w09pVA|Understand Kotlin Coroutines on Android (Google I/​O'​19)]]. 
 Other threading mechanisms you can use and are not covered in this lab: Other threading mechanisms you can use and are not covered in this lab:
   * **Reactive programming** using **[[https://​blog.gojekengineering.com/​multi-threading-like-a-boss-in-android-with-rxjava-2-b8b7cf6eb5e2|RxJava]]** or **RxKotlin** - do not need to explicitly create threads, just choose a scheduler   * **Reactive programming** using **[[https://​blog.gojekengineering.com/​multi-threading-like-a-boss-in-android-with-rxjava-2-b8b7cf6eb5e2|RxJava]]** or **RxKotlin** - do not need to explicitly create threads, just choose a scheduler
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 === Using Handlers ===  === Using Handlers === 
 We need a **messaging mechanism between threads**, and Android offers [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Handler|Handlers]]. These are closely connected to other objects needed for messaging: We need a **messaging mechanism between threads**, and Android offers [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Handler|Handlers]]. These are closely connected to other objects needed for messaging:
-  * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Looper|Looper]] - provided to a Handler, ​it runs the message queue in loop+  * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Looper|Looper]] - provided to a Handler, ​keeps thread alive, loops through MessageQueue and sends Messages to the corresponding Handler to process it
   * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Message|Message]] - the message to be sent to a Handler   * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​Message|Message]] - the message to be sent to a Handler
   * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​MessageQueue|MessageQueue]] - the messages dispatached to a Looper, the developer doesn'​t interact directly with it, most interaction is through the Handler class   * [[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​android/​os/​MessageQueue|MessageQueue]] - the messages dispatached to a Looper, the developer doesn'​t interact directly with it, most interaction is through the Handler class
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 ===Task 2 (4p)=== ===Task 2 (4p)===
-Mock the download of several files (at least 10) in parallel on multiple threads using Runnables and ThreadPoolExecutor ([[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​java/​util/​concurrent/​ThreadPoolExecutor|documentation]],​ [[https://developer.android.com/training/multiple-threads/​create-threadpool#​ThreadPool|creation ​example]]).+Mock the download of several files (at least 10) in parallel on multiple threads using Runnables and ThreadPoolExecutor ([[https://​developer.android.com/​reference/​java/​util/​concurrent/​ThreadPoolExecutor|documentation]],​ [[https://www.journaldev.com/1069/threadpoolexecutor-java-thread-pool-example-executorservice|example]]).
   * For the "​mock"​ download, each thread should sleep a random number between 100 and 200 ms.   * For the "​mock"​ download, each thread should sleep a random number between 100 and 200 ms.
   * The UI should update in real time a text view with the following content:   * The UI should update in real time a text view with the following content:
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       …       …
       </​code>​       </​code>​
-   ​* ​The text view must have the option ​android:​inputType="​textMultiLine".+   ​* ​To show multiple line you can add the ''​android:​inputType="​text"''​ to the TextView
smd/laboratoare/04.1617870279.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/08 11:24 by alexandru.chirvase
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