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smd:laboratoare:01 [2021/03/17 18:56]
smd:laboratoare:01 [2021/03/17 19:58] (current)
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 === Resources === === Resources ===
-  * Android Studio: ​[[https://​developer.android.com/​studio#top]] +  * [[https://​developer.android.com/​index.html|Android Developers Documentation]] 
-  * Android Developers: ​[[https://​developer.android.com/​index.html]]+  * [[https://​developer.android.com/​guide/​components/​activities/​activity-lifecycle|Android Application Lifecycle]]
-=== Files ===+**Prerequisites:​** [[smd:​laboratoare:​00|Lab 0: Setup github and your environment]]
-{{:​smd:​laboratoare:​loglevel.zip|}} +The code skeleton used from task#3:  
- +  * [[https://​github.com/​SMD-UPB/​labs| Github repository]] 
- +  * {{:​smd:​laboratoare:​loglevel.zip|}}
-Prerequisites:​ [[smd:​laboratoare:​00|Lab 0: Setup github and your environment]]+
Line 85: Line 84:
 It is possible to filter these log entries: above the logs themselves there is a text entry input which allows textual filtering. It accepts //​Java-style regular expressions//​. To the left of this text field there is a drop-down which allows you to select //​verbosity//​. Choosing a level will only allow messages of that level or higher to be displayed. To the right of the text field there is a drop-down which allows you to create custom filters. Click on it and select //Edit Filter Configuration//​. From here you can create different filters which limit searches scope using //PID://, //Tag://, //Package Name:// or //​Message://​. It is possible to filter these log entries: above the logs themselves there is a text entry input which allows textual filtering. It accepts //​Java-style regular expressions//​. To the left of this text field there is a drop-down which allows you to select //​verbosity//​. Choosing a level will only allow messages of that level or higher to be displayed. To the right of the text field there is a drop-down which allows you to create custom filters. Click on it and select //Edit Filter Configuration//​. From here you can create different filters which limit searches scope using //PID://, //Tag://, //Package Name:// or //​Message://​.
-Import the **LogLevel** ​project ​into Android Studio (**File > New > Import Project**) and navigate to the project in the archive. Look over the code. Each button has a method attached which calls a static method from the //Log// class. These methods generate log entries on different levels of importance: //​d=debug//,​ //i=info//, //​w=warning//,​ //​e=error//​.+**Import the LogLevel ​project** into Android Studio (**File > New > Import Project**) and navigate to the project in the archive. Look over the code. Each button has a method attached which calls a static method from the //Log// class. These methods generate log entries on different levels of importance: //​d=debug//,​ //i=info//, //​w=warning//,​ //​e=error//​.
 Add another two buttons to the application: ​ Add another two buttons to the application: ​
smd/laboratoare/01.1616000170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/17 18:56 by adriana.draghici
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