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11. Android Vulnerabilities, Exploits and Malware

Presentations of student assignments.

Assignment (1p)

Describe in detail a known vulnerability and exploit / attack / malware, for a mobile device. Any attack surface may be considered: mobile OS, wireless communication, system services, applications, etc.

The document should have 1-2 pages and include: targeted mobile OS and version, attack surface, exploited vulnerability, attack/malware architecture, implementation details.

The presentation must summarise the attack description and implementation. As a bonus, it may also include a demo of the attack.

  • Description - 0.6p
  • Presentation - 0.4p
  • Implementation - 0.5p (bonus)


  • Description - May 18th
  • Presentation - May 21st,22nd


smd/cursuri/11.1525536833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/05 19:13 by laura.ruse
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