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saisp:labs:06:contents:05 [2014/03/30 00:25]
mihai.carabas [05. Restricționarea accesului la dispozitivile logice (LUN)]
saisp:labs:06:contents:05 [2016/04/11 21:12] (current)
alexandru.carp [05. [10p] Restricționarea accesului la dispozitivile logice (LUN)]
Line 11: Line 11:
 Vom mai crea încă un ''​LUN''​ asociat backstore-ului ''​disk2.img'':<​code bash> Vom mai crea încă un ''​LUN''​ asociat backstore-ului ''​disk2.img'':<​code bash>
-/​iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​luns>​ create /​backstores/​fileio/​disk2 ​lun1+/​iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​luns>​ create /​backstores/​fileio/​disk2 ​1
 Successfully created LUN 1. Successfully created LUN 1.
 Created mapped LUN 1 in node ACL iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24 Created mapped LUN 1 in node ACL iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24
saisp/labs/06/contents/05.1396131956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/30 00:25 by mihai.carabas
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