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saisp:labs:06:contents:05 [2014/03/29 23:05]
mihai.carabas [05. LIO backstore as a physical block device]
saisp:labs:06:contents:05 [2016/04/11 21:12] (current)
alexandru.carp [05. [10p] Restricționarea accesului la dispozitivile logice (LUN)]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== 05. LIO backstore as a physical block device ​====+==== 05. [10p] Restricționarea accesului la dispozitivile logice (LUN) ====
-Creați ​un ''​backstore'' ​de tip physical device (Hint: ​''​iblock''​) folosind discul ​''/​dev/sdb''​ de pe stația ''​storage1''​Asociați ''​backstore''​-ul creat cu un LUN și montați-l pe stația ''​storage3''​Nu uitați să mapați IQN-ul stației ''​storage3''​ la noul LUN.+Vom mai crea un nou ''​LUN'' ​ce are ca ''​backstore'' ​tot un fișier:<​code bash> 
 +/backstores/fileio> create disk2 /disk2.img 100M 
 +Generating a wwn serial. 
 +Not using buffered mode. 
 +Created fileio disk2. 
 +/​backstores/​fileio>​ cd /​iscsi/​iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d/​tpgt1/​luns/​ 
-<​solution ​-hidden>​ +Vom mai crea încă un ''​LUN''​ asociat backstore-ului ''​disk2.img'':​<​code ​bash
-<​code>​ +/​iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​luns>​ create /​backstores/​fileio/disk2 1
-root@storage1:​~#​ targetcli +
-/> cd backstores/​iblock +
-/​backstores/​iblock>​ create sdb /dev/sdb +
-Generating a wwn serial. +
-Created iblock storage object sdb using /dev/sdb. +
-/​backstores/​iblock>​ cd /​iscsi/​iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d/​tpgt1/​luns/​ +
-/​iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​luns>​ create /​backstores/​iblock/sdb lun1+
 Successfully created LUN 1. Successfully created LUN 1.
 Created mapped LUN 1 in node ACL iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24 Created mapped LUN 1 in node ACL iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24
-/> saveconfig 
-WARNING: Saving storage1 current configuration to disk will overwrite your boot settings. 
-The current target configuration will become the default boot config. 
-Are you sure? Type '​yes':​ yes 
-root@storage3:​~#​ apt-get install open-iscsi 
-root@storage3:​~#​ iscsi-iname 
-root@storage3:​~#​ cat /​etc/​iscsi/​initiatorname.iscsi 
-/> cd /​iscsi/​iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d/​tpgt1/​acls/​ 
-/​iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​acls>​ create iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​8ceabce62de9 
-Successfully created Node ACL for iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​8ceabce62de9 
-Created mapped LUN 1. 
-Created mapped LUN 0. 
-/> saveconfig 
-WARNING: Saving storage1 current configuration to disk will overwrite your boot settings. 
-The current target configuration will become the default boot config. 
-Are you sure? Type '​yes':​ yes 
-root@storage3:​~#​ iscsiadm --mode discovery --type st --portal 
-​3260,​1 iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d 
-root@storage3:​~#​ iscsiadm -m node -L all 
-Logging in to [iface: default, target: iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d,​ portal:,​3260] (multiple) 
-Login to [iface: default, target: iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d,​ portal:,​3260] successful. 
-root@storage3:​~#​ iscsiadm -m session 
-tcp: [1]​3260,​1 iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d (non-flash) 
-root@storage3:​~#​ iscsiadm -m session -P 1 
-Target: iqn.2003-01.org.linux-iscsi.storage1.x8664:​sn.25e09e86bb4d (non-flash) 
-        Current Portal:​3260,​1 
-        Persistent Portal:​3260,​1 
-                ********** 
-                Interface: 
-                ********** 
-                Iface Name: default 
-                Iface Transport: tcp 
-                Iface Initiatorname:​ iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​8ceabce62de9 
-                Iface IPaddress: 
-                Iface HWaddress: <​empty>​ 
-                Iface Netdev: <​empty>​ 
-                SID: 1 
-                iSCSI Connection State: LOGGED IN 
-                iSCSI Session State: LOGGED_IN 
-                Internal iscsid Session State: NO CHANGE 
-                ​ 
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-</solution+Observați că în mod implicit acesta s-a adăugat automat pentru clientul ''​storage2''​ (la IQN-ul acestuia). Dorim să scoatem această mapare:<code bash> 
- +/iscsi/​iqn.20...4d/​tpgt1/​lunscd ../​acls/​iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24 
 +/​iscsi/​iqn.20...:​fc35d7d3fc24>​ ls 
 +o- iqn.2005-03.org.open-iscsi:​fc35d7d3fc24 ........................................... [2 Mapped LUNs] 
 +  o- mapped_lun0 ......................................................................... [lun0 (rw)] 
 +  o- mapped_lun1 ......................................................................... [lun1 (rw)] 
 +/​iscsi/​iqn.20...:​fc35d7d3fc24>​ delete 1 
 +Deleted Mapped LUN 1. 
saisp/labs/06/contents/05.1396127142.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/29 23:05 by mihai.carabas
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