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saisp:labs:03:contents:05 [2014/04/04 11:12]
razvan.deaconescu [05. [20p] Baze de date Round Robin (RRD)]
saisp:labs:03:contents:05 [2014/04/05 12:08] (current)
mihai.carabas [05. [20p] Baze de date Round Robin (RRD)]
Line 64: Line 64:
    ​inOctets=$(...)    ​inOctets=$(...)
-   ​rrdtool update target.rrd ​ $data:​$inOctets:​$outOctets+   ​rrdtool update target.rrd ​ $timestamp:​$inOctets:​$outOctets
 done done
saisp/labs/03/contents/05.1396599160.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2014/04/04 11:12 by razvan.deaconescu
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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