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Internet of Things

The Internet of Things course has been taught at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, during the IoT Summer School. It revolves around this particular subject, explaining its importance, its functionalities and applications.

The course provides a thorough review of how the user can benefit from creating and using IoT projects. After following the course and laboratories, the student should understand the concept of IoT, be able to make a project involving sensors, embedded boards and use the data stored locally or in the Cloud.

In addition, students were given an overview of web technologies in order to interact with the embedded devices via web interfaces.


Saturday 27 January, 2018 Room EG 306

Test 9 AM Project Presentation 10 AM

Wyliodrin STUDIO

What is it?

The main tool for the Internet of Things, which is presented throughout the course is Wyliodrin STUDIO. This platform has the purpose of making IoT available for the basic or professional user, by offering different kinds of software, which can be adapted for any kind of IoT projects. The list of what you need to use Wyliodrin begins and ends with the Chrome browser.

Take away

  • IoT programming
  • Hardware for IoT (Raspberry Pi and Arduino)
  • LoRa, LoRaWAN
  • Yocto


Activity Day/Time Room Person
Lecture Tuesday 6pm-8pm PR606 Alexandru Radovici, Alexandru Vaduva
Lab Tuesday 8pm-10pm PR606 Alexandru Radovici, Ioana Culic

Teaching Team

Teaching materials

  • Visual support through slides for the couses
  • Teaching support for the laboratories with examples and exercises.
iot.1516962378.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/01/26 12:26 by alexandru.radovici
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