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iot:res:streams [2015/07/30 16:14]
madalina.tanea [Visual]
iot:res:streams [2015/07/30 16:21] (current)
madalina.tanea [Social: Send and receive]
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 By convention it will have a msg.payload property containing the body of the message. By convention it will have a msg.payload property containing the body of the message.
 If you double click on it, you will find the name field, the second field, where you write the code and the last one, where you specify how many outputs the node has.  If you double click on it, you will find the name field, the second field, where you write the code and the last one, where you specify how many outputs the node has. 
 +{{ :​iot:​labs:​functions.png?​300 |}}
  For this node you can find an usage example in // Course 3: Software for the Internet of Things //.  For this node you can find an usage example in // Course 3: Software for the Internet of Things //.
 ==== Visual ==== ==== Visual ====
Line 59: Line 60:
 You, on the other hand, will have to put a //Receive message// node which, in this example, will print on your console the values respective to the temperature,​ in an analog range (0 - 1024) every time it gets a message from the first board. \\ You, on the other hand, will have to put a //Receive message// node which, in this example, will print on your console the values respective to the temperature,​ in an analog range (0 - 1024) every time it gets a message from the first board. \\
-{{:​iot:​res:​receivemsg.png?​300|}}{{ :​iot:​res:​sendmsg.png?​300|}}+{{:​iot:​res:​receivemsg.png?​300 |}} 
 +{{ :​iot:​res:​sendmsg.png?​300 |}}
 ===== Say ===== ===== Say =====
 You can make the board speak. Just insert this node and specify the message and the language. ​ It will be saved in the payload. ​ You can make the board speak. Just insert this node and specify the message and the language. ​ It will be saved in the payload. ​
iot/res/streams.txt · Last modified: 2015/07/30 16:21 by madalina.tanea
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