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Lab 11 Web Services

1) Chat

Using the what you learned in course 11 continue the chat app you started in laboratory 10. For this you have an api at When you call get on it you will receive all the messages When you send via post the variables username and msg to it, it will add a message to the chat. For visibility show only last 5-10 messages. Each message is separated by “\n”

2) Newsfeed

Continue the newsfeed you started in laboratory 10. Implement support for reading the whole article bu showing it on a new page and support for liking articles and display the number of likes.

For this you will have an api at: used to fetch latesd news and to fetch the full article

and for likes

GET with with id set in order to get the number of likes for an article

GET with with id and uuid set in order to get if you liked or not an article

POST with a JSON


in order to like an article

POST with a JSON


in order to dislike an article.

To get the uuid of the phone just access device.uuid The device plugin must be installed (it should be installed in your apps by default but you will have to move the config.xml from the root folder in the www folder)

3) Comunicate with webservers from your boards

Depending on what you made your boards try to make the phone communicate with the webserver from the boards.

iot/labs/11.1435706701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/01 02:25 by avner.solomon
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