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iot:labs:09 [2017/10/02 23:48]
jan.vaduva created
iot:labs:09 [2020/01/07 12:03] (current)
jan.vaduva [Implement a project from scratch]
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-=====Lab 9: Yocto Project`s first steps===== +======Lab 9: Yocto Project first steps====== 
-====Implement a project from scratch====+=====Implement a project from scratch=====
 Open the Quick start guide to Yocto Project, located at: [[https://​www.yoctoproject.org/​docs/​current/​yocto-project-qs/​yocto-project-qs.html|Quick start guide]] Open the Quick start guide to Yocto Project, located at: [[https://​www.yoctoproject.org/​docs/​current/​yocto-project-qs/​yocto-project-qs.html|Quick start guide]]
Line 6: Line 6:
 Set up your Linux system with the right packages (instruction are provided for Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS and openSUSE) Set up your Linux system with the right packages (instruction are provided for Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS and openSUSE)
-Download the latest stable release:+  - Install prerequisites:​ <​code>​sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \ 
 +     ​build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm</​code>​ 
 +  - Download the latest stable release: ​<​code>​$ git clone -b zeus git://​git.yoctoproject.org/​poky.git</​code>​ //or// <​code>​$ wget downloads.yoctoproject.org/​releases/​yocto/​yocto-3.0/​poky-zeus-22.0.0.tar.bz2</​code>​ 
 +  - Source //​oe-init-build-env//​ script, to create the build directory: <​code>​$ source poky/​oe-init-build-env my_dir</​code>​ 
 +  - Edit //​conf/​local.conf//​ and set //MACHINE// as //qemux86// and any extra required variables. 
 +  - Build the OS image: <​code>​$ bitbake core-image-minimal</​code>​ 
 +  - Boot the OS image of your choice: <​code>​$ runqemu qemux86</​code>​ Where: <​code>​MACHINE=qemux86</​code>​
-<​code>​$ git clone -b pyro git://​git.yoctoproject.org/​poky.git</​code>​ 
-//or//+===== Exercises===== 
 +  - Finish a successful Yocto Project build. 
 +  - Find a poky version that contains Hob and configure a Hob image. 
 +  - Setup  and start Toaster on port //8399//
 +  - Get the standards SDK installer and build **htop** package for your OS. 
 +  - Create a **htop** recipe and build it for your OS. 
 +  - Create a custom layer which should contain the **htop** recipes and **busybox** bbappend. 
 +  - Add support for **htop** inside //​core-image-minimal//​ image. The enhanced //​core-image-minimal//​ should be available inside the newly created layer.
-<​code>​$ wget downloads.yoctoproject.org/​releases/​yocto/​yocto-2.3.2/​poky-pyro-17.0.2.tar.bz2</​code>​ 
-Source //​oe-init-build-env//​ script, to create the build directory: 
-<​code>​$ source poky/​oe-init-build-env my_dir</​code>​ 
-Edit //​conf/​local.conf//​ and set //​MACHINE// ​ and any extra required variables 
-Build the OS image: <​code>​$ bitbake core-image-minimal</​code>​ 
-Boot the OS image of your chose <​code>​$ runqemu qemux86</​code> ​ 
-If <​code>​MACHINE=qemux86</​code>​ 
iot/labs/09.1506977305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/02 23:48 by jan.vaduva
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