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iot:labs:01 [2017/09/11 09:33]
iot:labs:01 [2019/10/05 14:48] (current)
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 ===Install Wyliodrin STUDIO=== ===Install Wyliodrin STUDIO===
-Install Google Chrome and launch it. Go to [[http://​studio.wyliodr.in|Wyliodrin STUDIO]], ​add the application to the Chrome ​browser ​and launch it.+Go to [[http://wyliodrin.studio|Wyliodrin STUDIO]]. There are two ways you can use WyliodrinSTUDIOone is to download ​the application ​and the other one is to use it in the browser.
 ===Set up the Raspberry Pi=== ===Set up the Raspberry Pi===
-In Wyliodrin STUDIO so to **Help** and select **Setup**. Choose Raspberry Pi and follow the tutorial.Connect the Raspberry Pi to the network via the Ethernet cable, then connect it to the platform. The default username is **pi** and the default password is **raspberry**.+In Wyliodrin STUDIO so to **Menu** and select **Documentation**. Choose Raspberry Pi and follow the steps.Connect the Raspberry Pi to the network via the Ethernet cable, then connect it to the platform. The default username is **pi** and the default password is **raspberry**.
 Once the board is connected double click its name and give it a more suggestive name so you can recognize it. Then, go to **network manager** and set the WiFi credentials. Once the board is connected double click its name and give it a more suggestive name so you can recognize it. Then, go to **network manager** and set the WiFi credentials.
iot/labs/01.1505111597.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/09/11 09:33 by alexandru.radovici
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