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iot:labs:01 [2015/06/21 13:49]
madalina.tanea [Laboratorul 01. Setting up Edison]
iot:labs:01 [2019/10/05 14:48] (current)
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-===== Lab 01. Setting up Edison ​=====+=====Lab 1: Raspberry Pi Setup===== 
 +====Raspberry Pi 3==== 
 +The Raspberry Pi is a very small computer that has the characteristics of the computers people would use 15 years ago. 
 +Raspberry Pi 3 characteristics:​ 
 +  * Broadcom BCM2837 SoC (4 ARM Cortex-A53);​ 
 +  * GB of RAM; 
 +  * integrated WiFi and BLE; 
 +  * HDMI port, an Ethernet port and four USB ports; 
 +  * several pins to use for electronics:​ 
 +    * two 5V pins; 
 +    * two 3.3V pins; 
 +    * 8 ground pins; 
 +    * 26 data pins; 
 +    * 1 PWM pin. 
 +{{ :​iot:​labs:​raspberry_pi3.png?​500 |}}
 +The Raspberry Pi 3 has 26 GPIO soldered pins and 5 GPIO pins that you need to solder. These may be used to control electronics connected to the Raspberry Pi. Among the things that can be done are:
 +  *light up LEDs;
 +  *place buttons;
 +  *use relays;
 +  *control motors.
-Let's see what you can do with your Intel® Edison board.+It is important to know how these pins can be accessedFor the Raspberry Pi, Wyliodrin uses the WiringPi pins layout described below. 
 +{{ :​iot:​labs:​pins-raspberrypi.png?​700 |Raspberry Pi 3 Pins Layout}}
-Intel® Edison is a tiny computer that allows you to easily create the Internet of Things projects you always dreamed of.  +====Wyliodrin STUDIO====
-It aims at enabling beginners, students, teachers, makers and any technology enthusiast to ease their everyday lives by using systems they'​ve built themselves. ​+
-The Intel® Edison was designed with wearable devices in mind. Its small dimensions and the integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth make it a great component ​for any wearable device. +Wyliodrin STUDIO is a web-based platform ​for Internet of Things applications developmentYou are going to use this platform throughout ​the course for programming ​and controlling ​the Raspberry Pi.
-The next depicts ​the emplacement ​and the numbering of the pins on the Intel® Edison breakout board. +
-{{ :​iot:​labs:​edison_pins.png?​300 |{{:​iot:​labs:​edison_pins.png?300|}}+
-The Edison can be connected ​to an expansion ​ board that gives you the possibility ​to access up to 40 pinsWhat is important ​to know is that the board itself ​has no ADC, however the expansion board does and they are connected via the SPI pins. Thus with the help of the expansion board you can create ​system that actively interacts with its environment.+In order to connect ​the Raspberry Pi to Wyliodrin STUDIO you will need an SD Card with minimum 4 GB (class 10 is recommended)You also need to assure ​the Raspberry Pi has a network connection or a serial connection to your computer (Ethernet or serial cable).
-The board consists of a dual-core Intel® Atom CPU and 32-bit Intel® Quark™ micro-controller. +Setting up the board requires the following steps
-==== Key features of Intel® Edison ==== +  ​*Install Wyliodrin STUDIO; 
-Key features of Intel® Edison+  ​*Download the Raspberry Pi SD Card Image; 
-  ​- an Intel® SoC that includes a dual-core, dual-threaded Intel® Atom CPU at 500 MHz and a 32-bit Intel® Quark micro-controller at 100 MHz +  ​*Write the image to an SD Card; 
-  ​-  1 GB RAM memory +  ​*Connect ​the board to your computer; 
-  ​- Integrated Wi-Fi Broadcom 43340 802.11 a/b/g/n +  ​*Connect ​the board to Wyliodrin STUDIO
-  ​- Integrated Bluetooth 4.0 +
-  - Programmable through ​the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) that is supported on Microsoft Windows*, Mac OS*, and Linux host operating systems, Intel® XDK, Eclipse and //​Wyliodrin//​. +
-  - Support for Yocto 1.6. +
-====Wyliodrin Setup==== +
-{{ :​iot:​labs:​edison.png?​300 |}} +
-In order to setup your Wyliodrin account and connect your board, please go to https://​wyliodrin.cs.pub.ro/​. +
-Sign in with one of your Facebook, Google or GitHub accounts. After signing in, right at the top of the projects page you will find the //Add new board// button. Please press the button and continue below to add the embedded board to your account.+
-Afterwards, depending on the board you are connecting, you have to follow some different steps. +===Install Wyliodrin STUDIO=== 
-  -   Flash the Edison +Go to [[http://wyliodrin.studio|Wyliodrin STUDIO]]There are two ways you can use WyliodrinSTUDIO,​ one is to download ​the application and the other one is to use it in the browser.
-  -   ​Download the board configuration file and write it to the Edison +
-  -   ​Download the install script file and write it to the Edison +
-  -   Copy configuration file +
-  -   Run updates +
-==== Flash the Edison ==== +
-To flash the Edison board you just need to follow ​//Step 1// and //Step 2// in the instructions on Intel'​s websiteYou will have to choose ​the Operating System that runs on the computer you are going to connect the Edison to. +
-==== Board activation ==== +
-Copy the file //​wyliodrin.json//​ on it. Make sure the file is named exactly //wyliodrin.json//.  +
-Copy the install script ((https://​www.wyliodrin.com/​public/​scripts/​install_edison.sh)) on it. Make sure it is named exactly //install_ edison.sh// ​+
-{{ :​iot:​labs:​files-list-edison.jpg?​300 |}} +===Set up the Raspberry Pi=== 
-Connect the USB to the Edison so that you see the console. Run **configure_edison --setup ​**+In Wyliodrin STUDIO so to **Menu** and select ​**Documentation**. Choose Raspberry Pi and follow the steps.Connect the Raspberry Pi to the network via the Ethernet cablethen connect it to the platform. The default username is **pi** and the default password is **raspberry**.
-This will configure the name of the board and WiFi.  +
-Please make sure that your WiFi is sending IP addresses in a network different than​24.  +
-To install Wyliodrin, run \\ +
-**    mkdir /​media/​storage ​**\\ +
-**   mount -o loop,ro,​offset=8192 /​dev/​mmcblk0p9 /​media/​storage ​**\\ +
-**    cd /​media/​storage ​**\\ +
-**  sh install_edison.sh **\\ +
-In a few moments you should see the board online.+
-A full tutorial on how to setup your board is available online. ((https://​projects.wyliodrin.com/​wiki/​boards_setup/​inteledison))\\ +Once the board is connected double click its name and give it a more suggestive name so you can recognize itThengo to **network manager** and set the WiFi credentials.
-You can watch a tutorial on how to add a new board online((https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=HHzWRNAYY40&​list=PLHih6DnKQaoaMTyPOzn6-MaNppf4VoaRr&​index=1)) +
-=== Connect an already flashed board === +
-If your Intel® Edison is already flashedall you need to do is to copy the wyliodrin.json file onto the board.+
-Wire up the Intel® Edison ​to your computer in the same way as described in //Flash the Edison//Make sure you use the USB adapter closer to the power. You should see a disk called Edison.+So you make sure nobody connects ​to your board, open the **Shell** tab and type **passwd**Set another password for the user **pi**.
-Copy the file //​wyliodrin.json//​ on it. Make sure the file is named exactly //​wyliodrin.json//​+Disconnect ​the board from the Ethernet cable and now you will be able to connect to it via WiFi.
-Unplug all the cables form the board and plug them back+====Exercises==== 
- +  - Create a new Python application that prints your name in the console. 
-Your board should get online.+  - Load the **Music** example application,​ connect a speaker or headphones to the Raspberry Pi and make it sing
 +  - Install **Math.Pi** using the **package manager**. 
 +  - Create a Python application that prints your name every one second. 
 +  - Run the previously created application. Using the **task manager** identify the corresponding task and kill it.
iot/labs/01.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/05 14:48 by alexandru.radovici
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