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ic:labs:10 [2023/10/01 23:36]
razvan.smadu [Exercise 2 Public Key Encryption using Learning with Errors (LWE) (6p)]
ic:labs:10 [2023/10/09 23:23] (current)
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 ===== Laboratorul 10 - Prezentul și Viitorul criptării cu chei publice (Public Key Encryption) ===== ===== Laboratorul 10 - Prezentul și Viitorul criptării cu chei publice (Public Key Encryption) =====
-Prezentarea PowerPoint pentru acest laborator o puteți găsi [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1wi11KjB6wiCpz7lcrhNUrRzIAXcHokd1/​view?​usp=sharing|aici]]. Puteți lucra acest laborator folosind ​și platforma Google Colab, accesând [[https://​colab.research.google.com/​drive/1FhYRe2XVeAGHBcFJbfpU1os6k1974aKi?​usp=sharing|acest]] link. +Prezentarea PowerPoint pentru acest laborator o puteți găsi [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1wi11KjB6wiCpz7lcrhNUrRzIAXcHokd1/​view?​usp=sharing|aici]]. Puteți lucra acest laborator folosind platforma Google Colab, accesând [[https://​colab.research.google.com/​github/ACS-IC-labs/​IC-labs/​blob/​main/​labs/​lab10/​lab10.ipynb|acest]] link.  
 În acest laborator vom face niște exerciții strașnice folosind metode de criptare cu chei publice pentru schimb de chei (key exchange) și criptare de date. În acest laborator vom face niște exerciții strașnice folosind metode de criptare cu chei publice pentru schimb de chei (key exchange) și criptare de date.
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-<​hidden>​Hidden section+Hidden section
 === Bonus 1 === === Bonus 1 ===
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 </​file>​ </​file>​
 ==== Introduction to Post Quantum Cryptography ==== ==== Introduction to Post Quantum Cryptography ====
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 You will find more details for your task in the skeleton code. You will find more details for your task in the skeleton code.
 +<spoiler Click pentru a vedea ex2a_skeleton.py>​ 
 +<file python ex2a_skeleton.py>​ 
 +import math 
 +import random 
 +from typing import List, Tuple 
 +def int2bin(valint) -> List[int]: 
 +    """​ 
 +    Convert a 4-bit value to binary and return it as a list. 
 +    ​:param val: 4-bit positive value. 
 +    :return l: list of the bits obtained when converting value to binary. 
 +    """​ 
 +    l = [0] * (4) 
 +    l[0] = val & 0x1 
 +    l[1] = (val & 0x2) >> 1 
 +    l[2] = (val & 0x4) >> 2 
 +    l[3] = (val & 0x8) >> 3 
 +    return l 
 +def generate( 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +    s: int = 19, 
 +    nr_values: int = 20, 
 +) -> Tuple[List[int],​ List[int]]:​ 
 +    """​ 
 +    Generate the public key vectors A and B. 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +    :param s: Secret key 
 +    :param nr_values: Length of vector variables 
 +    :return A, B: Public key vectors, each with "​nr_values"​ elements 
 +        TODO 1: Generate public key A 
 +           A = [a0, a1, ..., an-1] vector with random values. Of course values modulo q. :) 
 +        TODO 2: Generate error vector e 
 +           e = [e0, e1, ..., en-1] error vector with small errors in interval [1, 4] 
 +        TODO 3: Compute public key B 
 +           B = [b0, b1, ..., bn-1] with bi = ai * s + ei. Modulo q do not forget.. 
 +        TODO 4: Return public keys A, B 
 +    """​ 
 +    # TODO 1: Generate public key "​A"​ 
 +    A = ... 
 +    # TODO 2: Generate error vector "​e"​ 
 +    e = ... 
 +    # TODO 3: Compute public key "​B"​ 
 +    B = ... 
 +    # TODO 4: Return public keys A, B 
 +def encrypt_bit( 
 +    A: List[int],​ 
 +    B: List[int],​ 
 +    plain_bit: int, 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +) -> Tuple[int, int]: 
 +    """​ 
 +    Encrypt one bit using Learning with Errors(LWE). 
 +    :param A: Public key 
 +    :param B: Public key 
 +    :param plain_bit: Plain bit that you want to encrypt 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +    :return: Cipher pair u, v 
 +        TODO 1: Generate a list of 5 random indexes with which you will sample values from public keys A and B. 
 +            random_sample_index_list = [random_index_1,​ random_index_2,​ ..., random_index_5] 
 +            A sample for A is A[random_index_i] or for B is B[random_index_i]. 
 +        TODO 2: Compute "​u"​ 
 +            u = sum of the samples from vector A 
 +            Don't forget modulo. 
 +        TODO 3: Compute "​v"​ 
 +            v = sum of the samples from vector B + floor(q/2) * plain_bit 
 +            Don't forget modulo. 
 +        TODO 4: Return cipher pair u, v 
 +    """​ 
 +    # The pair (u, v) will be basically the cipher. 
 +    u = 0 
 +    v = 0 
 +    # TODO 1: Generate a list of 5 random indexes with which you will sample values from both public keys A and B. 
 +    random_sample_index_list = ... 
 +    # TODO 2: Compute u 
 +    u = ... 
 +    # TODO 3: Compute v 
 +    v = ... 
 +    # TODO Return the cipher pair (u, v) reduced modulo q 
 +def encrypt( 
 +    A: List[int],​ 
 +    B: List[int],​ 
 +    number: int, 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +) -> List[Tuple[int,​ int]]: 
 +    """​ 
 +    Encrypt a 4-bit number 
 +    :param A: Public Key. 
 +    :param B: Public Key. 
 +    :param number: Number in interval [0, 15] that you want to encrypt. 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +    :return list with the cipher pairs (ui, vi). 
 +    """​ 
 +    # Convert number to binary; you will obtain a list with 4 bits 
 +    bit_list = int2bin(number) 
 +    # Using the function that you made before, encrypt each bit. 
 +    u0, v0 = encrypt_bit(A,​ B, bit_list[0],​ q) 
 +    u1, v1 = encrypt_bit(A,​ B, bit_list[1],​ q) 
 +    u2, v2 = encrypt_bit(A,​ B, bit_list[2],​ q) 
 +    u3, v3 = encrypt_bit(A,​ B, bit_list[3],​ q) 
 +    return [(u0, v0), (u1, v1), (u2, v2), (u3, v3)] 
 +def decrypt_bit(cipher_pair:​ Tuple[int, int], s: int = 19, q: int = 97) -> int: 
 +    """​ 
 +    Decrypt a bit using Learning with errors. 
 +    :param cipher_pair:​ Cipher pair (u, v) 
 +    :param s: Secret key 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +        TODO 1: Compute the "​dec"​ value with which you will decrypt the bit. 
 +            dec = (v - s * u) modulo q 
 +        TODO 2: Obtain and return the decrypted bit. 
 +            The decrypted bit is 1 if the previously computed "​dec"​ value is bigger than floor(q/2) and 0 otherwise. 
 +    :return list with the cipher pairs (ui, vi). 
 +    """​ 
 +    # Extract pair (u, v) from the argument "​cipher_pair"​. 
 +    u = cipher_pair[0] 
 +    v = cipher_pair[1] 
 +    # TODO 1: Compute "​dec"​ variable 
 +    dec = ... 
 +    # TODO 2: Decrypt bit and return it 
 +    #  return 0 or 1 
 +def decrypt( 
 +    cipher: List[Tuple[int,​ int]], 
 +    s: int = 19, 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +) -> List[int]:​ 
 +    """​ 
 +    Decrypt a 4-bit number from the cipher text pairs (ui, vi). 
 +    :param cipher: Cipher text. List with 4 cipher pairs (u, v) corresponding to each encrypted bit 
 +    :param s: Secret key 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +    :return plain: List with the 4 decrypted bits. 
 +    """​ 
 +    u1, v1 = cipher[0][0],​ cipher[0][1] 
 +    u2, v2 = cipher[1][0],​ cipher[1][1] 
 +    u3, v3 = cipher[2][0],​ cipher[2][1] 
 +    u4, v4 = cipher[3][0],​ cipher[3][1] 
 +    bit0 = decrypt_bit((u1,​ v1), s, q) 
 +    bit1 = decrypt_bit((u2,​ v2), s, q) 
 +    bit2 = decrypt_bit((u3,​ v3), s, q) 
 +    bit3 = decrypt_bit((u4,​ v4), s, q) 
 +    return [bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0] 
 +def main() -> None: 
 +    # Initialize Parameters 
 +    q = 97 
 +    s = 19 
 +    nr_values = 20 
 +    print( 
 +        f"​Initial parameters are:​\n"​ 
 +        " modulus={q}\n" 
 +        " secret_key={s}\n" 
 +        " nr_of_values={nr_values}\n"​ 
 +    ) 
 +    # Integer in [0, 15] that you want to encrypt 
 +    number_to_encrypt = 10 
 +    print("​You want to encrypt number " + str(number_to_encrypt)) 
 +    # Generate Step 
 +    A, B = generate(q, s, nr_values) 
 +    print("​\nPublic Keys obtained:"​) 
 +    print("​A=",​ end=""​) 
 +    print(A) 
 +    print("​B=",​ end=""​) 
 +    print(B) 
 +    # Encrypt Step 
 +    cipher = encrypt(A, B, number_to_encrypt,​ q) 
 +    print("​\nCipher is ", end=""​) 
 +    print(cipher) 
 +    # Decrypt Step 
 +    plain = decrypt(cipher,​ s, q) 
 +    print("​\nPlain value in binary is ", end=""​) 
 +    print(plain) 
 +    # If plain is the representation in binary of "​number_to_encrypt"​ it should be fine but you can check with other numbers. :D 
 +if __name__ == "​__main__":​ 
 +    main() 
 === Exercise 2b) Testing decryption (2p) === === Exercise 2b) Testing decryption (2p) ===
 Easy right? I have encrypted 5 numbers and stored the ciphers in this file. Can you decrypt them with the function you implemented before? Easy right? I have encrypted 5 numbers and stored the ciphers in this file. Can you decrypt them with the function you implemented before?
-{{:ic:labs:ex2b_cipher.py|}}+<spoiler Click pentru a vedea ex2b_cipher.py
 +<file python ex2b_cipher.py>​ 
 +# Try to decrypt some secret numbers encrypted using the decryption you just implemented. 
 +# The parameters are the same except that I changed the secret key s. :D 
 +# Of course you need the secret key in order to decrypt the numbers but I won't tell it to you because is secret (s=17). 
 +secretnumber1 = [(57, 11), (91, 13), (38, 29), (68, 55)] 
 +secretnumber2 = [(35, 22), (9, 67), (91, 10), (50, 89)] 
 +secretnumber3 = [(51, 52), (51, 8), (76, 90), (90, 89)] 
 +secretnumber4 = [(68, 50), (18, 28), (93, 43), (61, 77)] 
 +secretnumber5 = [(33, 39), (68, 6), (17, 57), (53, 90)] 
 +# Does [number1, number2, number3, number4, number5] make sense? Maybe in hexadecimal ?? 
 Just for fun: Do these numbers have a meaning? Maybe they form a word?  Just for fun: Do these numbers have a meaning? Maybe they form a word? 
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 To do that just take two 4bit numbers that you want to xor, for example 10 and 5 and encrypt them. Before decrypting you just have to take the obtained ciphers(two (u, v) pairs) and just add them (i.e. (u1 + u2, v1 + v2)). For convenience,​ you can use if you want the functions provided in the file below. ​ To do that just take two 4bit numbers that you want to xor, for example 10 and 5 and encrypt them. Before decrypting you just have to take the obtained ciphers(two (u, v) pairs) and just add them (i.e. (u1 + u2, v1 + v2)). For convenience,​ you can use if you want the functions provided in the file below. ​
 +<spoiler Click pentru a vedea xor_then_decrypt.py>​ 
 +<file python ex2b_cipher.py>​ 
 +from ex2a_skeleton import * 
 +def xor_then_decrypt_bit( 
 +    cipher_pair1Tuple[int, int], 
 +    cipher_pair2Tuple[int, int], 
 +    sint = 19, 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +    """​ 
 +    Xor Cipher pairs and then decrypt a bit using Learning with errors. 
 +    :param cipher_pair1:​ First cipher pair (u, v) 
 +    :param cipher_pair2:​ Second cipher pair (u, v) 
 +    :param s: Secret key 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +        TODO 1: Compute the "​dec"​ value with which you will decrypt the bit. 
 +            dec = ((v_1 - s * u_1) + (v_2 - s * u_2)) % q 
 +        TODO 2: Obtain and return the decrypted bit. 
 +            The decrypted bit is 1 if the previously computed "​dec"​ value is bigger than floor(q/2) and 0 otherwise. 
 +    :return the decrypted bit 
 +    """​ 
 +    # Extract pair (u, v) from the argument "​cipher_pair"​. 
 +    u_1 = cipher_pair1[0] 
 +    v_1 = cipher_pair1[1] 
 +    u_2 = cipher_pair2[0] 
 +    v_2 = cipher_pair2[1] 
 +    # TODO 1: Compute "​dec"​ variable 
 +    # TODO 2: Decrypt bit and return it 
 +def xor_then_decrypt
 +    cipher1: List[Tuple[int,​ int]], 
 +    cipher2: List[Tuple[int,​ int]], 
 +    s: int = 19, 
 +    q: int = 97, 
 +) -> List[int]:​ 
 +    """​ 
 +    Bit wise xor the two cipher pairs and the decrypt 4-bit number result. 
 +    :param cipher1: Cipher 1. 
 +    :param cipher2: Cipher 2. 
 +    :param s: Secret key 
 +    :param q: Modulus 
 +    :return plain: List with the 4 decrypted bits. 
 +    """​ 
 +    u1_1, v1_1 = cipher1[0][0],​ cipher1[0][1] 
 +    u2_1, v2_1 = cipher1[1][0],​ cipher1[1][1] 
 +    u3_1, v3_1 = cipher1[2][0],​ cipher1[2][1] 
 +    u4_1, v4_1 = cipher1[3][0],​ cipher1[3][1] 
 +    u1_2, v1_2 = cipher2[0][0],​ cipher2[0][1] 
 +    u2_2, v2_2 = cipher2[1][0],​ cipher2[1][1] 
 +    u3_2, v3_2 = cipher2[2][0],​ cipher2[2][1] 
 +    u4_2, v4_2 = cipher2[3][0],​ cipher2[3][1] 
 +    bit0 = xor_then_decrypt_bit((u1_1,​ v1_1), (u1_2, v1_2), s, q) 
 +    bit1 = xor_then_decrypt_bit((u2_1,​ v2_1), (u2_2, v2_2), s, q) 
 +    bit2 = xor_then_decrypt_bit((u3_1,​ v3_1), (u3_2, v3_2), s, q) 
 +    bit3 = xor_then_decrypt_bit((u4_1,​ v4_1), (u4_2, v4_2), s, q) 
 +    return [bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0] 
 +def main() -> None: 
 +    # TODO 3: Test it on some examples to see if is working properly 
 +    ... 
 +if __name__ == "​__main__":​ 
 +    main() 
 Test it on some examples to see if is working properly! Test it on some examples to see if is working properly!
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 [[https://​github.com/​IBM/​fhe-toolkit-linux/​blob/​master/​GettingStarted.md]] [[https://​github.com/​IBM/​fhe-toolkit-linux/​blob/​master/​GettingStarted.md]]
 </​note>​ </​note>​
ic/labs/10.1696192599.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/01 23:36 by razvan.smadu
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