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fss [2019/07/11 14:52]
tmp_stud2 [Schedule]
fss [2019/07/18 15:25] (current)
adriana.draghici [Team]
Line 26: Line 26:
 |04.07.2019|[[fss:​sessions:​session3-android|Android:​ Bluetooth Low Energy communication]] | |  |04.07.2019|[[fss:​sessions:​session3-android|Android:​ Bluetooth Low Energy communication]] | | 
 |09.07.2019|Cloud:​ Data Management | |  |09.07.2019|Cloud:​ Data Management | | 
-|11.07.2019|Android:​ Data Management ​| | +|11.07.2019|[[fss:​sessions:​session4-android|Android: Data management]] ​| | 
 |16.07.2019|Cloud:​ Monitoring & Debugging | |  |16.07.2019|Cloud:​ Monitoring & Debugging | | 
 |18.07.2019|Hackathon & Fun | Starts at 17:00 !!! |  |18.07.2019|Hackathon & Fun | Starts at 17:00 !!! | 
Line 39: Line 39:
   * Beniamin Dobre   * Beniamin Dobre
   * Dragoș Dioșteanu   * Dragoș Dioșteanu
 +  * Mihai Hoinărescu
   * [[vcorneci@fitbit.com|Vlad Corneci]]   * [[vcorneci@fitbit.com|Vlad Corneci]]
fss.1562845978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/11 14:52 by tmp_stud2
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