Electronics Summer School (15 iulie - 4 august 2024)

Unleash Your Inner Electronics Guru: Dive into the World of Hardware and Programming

This Electronics Summer School is your gateway to the exciting realm of electronics! Whether you're a curious beginner, a seasoned student looking for a practical refresher, or an aspiring competition champion, this program is designed to equip you with the skills to turn ideas into reality.

Across the course, you'll delve into an array of in-demand skills:

  • Hardware Restoration: Breathe new life into old electronics! Learn how to diagnose and repair vintage devices, giving them a second chance to shine.
  • PCB Design and Soldering: Master the art of crafting your own printed circuit boards (PCBs), the heart of any electronic device. You'll learn to design layouts and expertly solder components to bring your circuits to life.
  • 3D Design for Electronics: Seamlessly integrate 3D design into your electronics projects. Learn how to create custom enclosures and intricate parts, adding a touch of personalization and functionality.
  • Embedded Programming: Gain the power to program microcontrollers – the brains of electronic devices. You'll explore various programming languages to control sensors, actuators, and communicate with other systems.
  • Exploring Communication Protocols: Learn how electronic devices talk to each other! Master essential protocols like WiFi, Bluetooth, and serial communication to connect your projects to the outside world.
  • Web/Mobile App Integration: Take your projects to the next level! Learn how to create web interfaces or mobile apps to control and interact with your electronics from anywhere.
  • Control Algorithms for Advanced Projects: Ready to dive deeper? We'll introduce you to advanced control algorithms like PID, Kalman Filters, Model Predictive Control (MPC), State Machine Control, and Fuzzy Logic. These powerful techniques unlock sophisticated automation and control capabilities for your projects.

This program fosters a hands-on learning environment where theoretical concepts are solidified through practical projects. Whether you're building a robot, designing a weather station, or automating a home system, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to tackle any electronics challenge. So, join us and explore the electrifying world of electronics!



Schedule: 15.07 - 02.08 2024 (rooms ED313,314 - hard & ED217,218 - soft)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10 - 16 - - - - - TBD
16 - 17 Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation -
17 - 21 Labs Labs Labs Labs Labs -
eap.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 18:42 by jan.vaduva
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