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devops [2021/05/24 18:01]
devops [2023/07/31 18:37] (current)
geanina.szekeres [What’s in it for you]
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 ===== General description ===== ===== General description =====
-DevOps ​upDevOps ​down... we hear DevOps all around us, but what is it actually?+Level up your knowledge and dive into the world of DevOps ​with our concise summer school programDiscover what DevOps truly means and learn the best practices that will set you apart in the industry
-We come up with a nice program for you to learn more about DevOps stuff.+During 6 hands-on online sessions we will cover topics such as infrastructure deployment automation (infrastructure as code), configuration management (configuration as code), containerization and orchestration.
-We invite you to a short summer school that will help you understand ​the DevOps world and the best +Our DevOps professionals ​will present some of their day-to-day activities to help you visualize a real project, revealing a glimpse into the secrets of the DevOps community.
-practices. Meet us online in July for 6 learning and hands-on sessions where we will cover topics such as +
-infrastructure deployment automation (infrastructure as code), configuration management +
-(configuration as code), containerization and orchestration.+
-You will work next to professionals that use DevOps in real projects and many secrets will be revealed. +Are you ready for unique learning ​experience? :-) 
-Also, this might be useful and interesting ​experience ​to figure out if you want to develop a career in +===== What to expect =====
-this direction. In the end, you can even add it to your CV for further job interviews.+
-If you put technology at heart and you seek to constantly develop your skills, then join us! +  * gain insights into Thales ​and our ground-breaking work; 
- +  * immerse yourself in an engaging and practical curriculum; 
-===== What’s in it for you ===== +  * acquire valuable ​technical skills ​for your future ​career; 
- +  * stay up-to-date with the latest technologies ​in the field; 
-  * a nice experience that you will remember +  * experience practical learning with a variety of tools; 
-  * many technical skills ​that will be useful in the future +  * unlock ​ideas to automate ​and improve any project ​or process; 
-  * knowledge about the latest technologies +  * connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends.
-  * use a variety of tools in a practical experience +
-  * ideas to automate ​improve any project/process +
-  * make new friends ​with the same interest in DevOps+
 ===== Location & Schedule ===== ===== Location & Schedule =====
-All activities will be done online using Microsoft Teams communication tool, using the remote +All activities will be done online using Microsoft Teams communication tool.
-infrastructure from Thales Romania site.+
-==== Schedule ​====+All participants will use a virtual machine prepared in advanced by the organizers. 
 +Sessions will combine theory with practice, students will have the opportunity to build a complete DevOps environment by themselves. 
 +==== Sessions overview ​====
 The courses will be organized three times a week according to the schedule below: The courses will be organized three times a week according to the schedule below:
-  * July 19 th , 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 1 - Engineering Tools: ​Git/BitBucket, Nexus +  * August 29 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 1 - Setup the environment + program overview + Git/Gitlab 
-  * July 21 th , 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 2 - Jenkins & CI/CD +  * August 30 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 2 - Python + Ansible 
-  * July 23 th 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 3 - Docker +  * August 31 st 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 3 - Docker ​+ Gitlab pipelines 
-  * July 26 th , 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 4 - Ansible & Terraform + 
-  * July 28 th , 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 5 - Kubernetes +  * September 5 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 4 - Kubernetes 1/2 
-  * July 30 th , 2021, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 6 – Hands on Demo+  * September 6 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 5 - Kubernetes ​2/2 
 +  * September 7 th , 2023, 17:​00-20:​00:​ Session 6 – Helm + DevOps@Thales
 ===== Apply ===== ===== Apply =====
-If you are interestedplease ​fill in [[https://docs.google.com/forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSfZcnfAjQJYpQ1qLJ5yyOIZS0yjHXMJs4EyZuv22l0ykAMe9A/​viewform|this form]] and you will receive a short assessment via e-mail. +If you’re excited about this opportunity, fill out this form ([[https://forms.gle/Jeexe567BhA3ySyz8|CLICK]]) by: 
-After that +
-we will evaluate your submissions and announce the selected participants. You will receive the +
-connection details via e-mail.+
-===== Equipment =====+<note warning>​**15 August 2023**</​note>​
-You need to have access ​to a laptop/​workstation and an internet ​connection.+Afterwards, we will send you a short assessment via email. Following the internal evaluation of all submissions,​ we will announce the selected participants and provide you with connection details via email. 
 +Don’t miss out on this chance ​to broaden your horizons and enhance your CV! 
 +**Join Thales DevOps Summer School and pave your way to a successful career in the IT industry.** 8-) 
 +===== Prerequisites ===== 
 +Please make sure to have the following:​ 
 +  * Personal ​laptop 
 +  * Stable Internet ​connection 
 +  * [[https://​www.oracle.com/​ro/​virtualization/​virtualbox|Oracle VirtualBox]] installed 
 +  * [[https://​about.gitlab.com/​|Gitlab]] account 
 +  * [[https://​hub.docker.com/​|DockerHub]] account 
 +  * Access to [[https://​www.microsoft.com/​ro-ro/​microsoft-teams|Microsoft Teams]] 
 +  * Minimum free space: 20 GB
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
 Experienced Thales DevOps Architects and Engineers from the Engineering Environment & Support Department. Experienced Thales DevOps Architects and Engineers from the Engineering Environment & Support Department.
-  ​[[https://​www.linkedin.com/​in/​marius-capota-461b487/​|Marius Capota]], Engineering Support Department Manager + 
-  * [[https://​www.linkedin.com/​in/​bogdan-croitoru-bb8533182/​|Bogdan Croitoru]], DevOps ​Engineer +  * **Bogdan Croitoru**, Engineering Support Department Manager 
-  * [[https://​www.linkedin.com/​in/​geanina-szekeres-32900b2/​|Geanina Szekeres]]Software ProcessesMethods and Tools Support ​Engineer+  * **Geanina Szekeres**, DevOps ​Head of Discipline 
 +  * **Adrian Mazarache**CloudOps Head of Discipline 
 +  * **Stefan Mitoi**ITOps Head of Discipline 
 +  * **Mircea Vrabie**, DevOps ​Engineer 
 +  * **Mircea Anton**, DevOps Engineer 
 +  * **Eduard Draghici**, Thales HR responsible 
 +All the other colleagues that will be involved will be added here.
devops.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/31 18:37 by geanina.szekeres
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