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Thales DevOps Summer School

General description

DevOps up, DevOps down… we hear DevOps all around us, but what is it actually?

We come up with a nice program for you to learn more about DevOps stuff.

We invite you to a short summer school that will help you understand the DevOps world and the best practices. Meet us online in July for 6 learning and hands-on sessions where we will cover topics such as infrastructure deployment automation (infrastructure as code), configuration management (configuration as code), containerization and orchestration.

You will work next to professionals that use DevOps in real projects and many secrets will be revealed. Also, this might be a useful and interesting experience to figure out if you want to develop a career in this direction. In the end, you can even add it to your CV for further job interviews.

If you put technology at heart and you seek to constantly develop your skills, then join us!

What’s in it for you

  • a nice experience that you will remember
  • many technical skills that will be useful in the future
  • knowledge about the latest technologies
  • use a variety of tools in a practical experience
  • ideas to automate & improve any project/process
  • make new friends with the same interest in DevOps

Location & Schedule

All activities will be done online using Microsoft Teams communication tool, using the remote infrastructure from Thales Romania site.


The courses will be organized three times a week according to the schedule below:

  • July 19 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 1 - Engineering Tools: Git/BitBucket, Nexus
  • July 21 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 2 - Jenkins & CI/CD
  • July 23 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 3 - Docker
  • July 26 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 4 - Ansible & Terraform
  • July 28 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 5 - Kubernetes
  • July 30 th , 2021, 17:00-20:00: Session 6 – Hands on Demo


If you are interested, please fill in this form and you will receive a short assessment via e-mail. After that we will evaluate your submissions and announce the selected participants. You will receive the connection details via e-mail.


You need to have access to a laptop/workstation and an internet connection.


Experienced Thales DevOps Architects and Engineers from the Engineering Environment & Support Department.

devops.1621868498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/24 18:01 by eduard.staniloiu
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