Use OpenStack CDCI template to start a new VM. To access the VM, login to using your UPB credentials, and from there ssh into the private IP from OpenStack using “ubuntu” as a username and your ssh key.
root@cdci:/$ ssh [mihai.chiroiu@fep8 ~]$ ssh -vv ubuntu@<IP>
First, make sure that your virtual machine is updated (run the provided script, or create one).
root@cdci:/# cat #!/bin/bash # (c) Mihai Chiroiu - CDCI IF YOU READ THIS YOU CAN GET EXTRA 0.5/10 AT THE EXAM. JUST TYPE "OLA" IN MS TEAMS CHAT BETWEEN 19:00 - 19:01.
Next, in one terminal start the provided Mininet topology.
root@cdci:/# cd cdci/lab07 root@cdci:/# /usr/bin/python3
If there are any problems with starting the topology (if all is good you should see the Mininet prompt ”>”) use the given cleanup script and try to restart the topology.
Before you begin, make sure that you have Internet connectivity on all two nodes (attacker and victim). R1 should be the gateway for the Attacker and Victim. Write down the MAC and IP addresses of all 3 nodes (including the gateway). Use the provided scripts to access the nodes.
root@ip-172-30-0-165:/# ./ root@attacker:/# root@ip-172-30-0-165:/# ./ root@victim:/#