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cdci:labs:6 [2020/03/17 01:45]
mihai.chiroiu [07. [20p] DNS exfiltration]
cdci:labs:6 [2024/05/10 14:22] (current)
mihai.chiroiu [01. [5p] Virtual machine setup]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Lab06. Data exfiltration ​ ====== ====== Lab06. Data exfiltration ​ ======
 +<note warning>
 +Important read to be graded!
 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
Line 22: Line 27:
 git clone -b labs --single-branch https://​github.com/​mihai-chiroiu/​cdci.git git clone -b labs --single-branch https://​github.com/​mihai-chiroiu/​cdci.git
 git config user.email "​student@upb.ro"​ git config user.email "​student@upb.ro"​
 +Now we need to build some docker containers
 +root@cdci:/#​ cd cdci/​containers/​exfiltration_lab06/​
 +root@cdci:/#​ make
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 193: Line 204:
 ==== 07. [20p] DNS exfiltration ==== ==== 07. [20p] DNS exfiltration ====
-For this exercise we are going to create a DNS tunnel between the two nodes and use it for the Netcat connection. The tool for this is dns2tcp. Use the following configuration for the client/​server side.+For this exercise we are going to create a DNS tunnel between the two nodes and use it for the Netcat connection. The tool for this is [[http://​www.linuxcertif.com/​man/​1/​dns2tcpc/​|dns2tcp]]. Use the following configuration for the client/​server side.
   * Client side configuration   * Client side configuration
 <​code>​ <​code>​
cdci/labs/6.1584402338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/17 01:45 by mihai.chiroiu
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