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cdci:labs:4 [2020/03/20 01:02]
cdci:labs:4 [2021/03/26 18:29] (current)
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 First, make sure that your virtual machine is updated (run the provided update.sh script, or create one). First, make sure that your virtual machine is updated (run the provided update.sh script, or create one).
-root@cdci:/#​ cat update.sh 
-# (c) Mihai Chiroiu - CDCI 
-git clone -b labs --single-branch https://​github.com/​mihai-chiroiu/​cdci.git 
-git config user.email "​student@upb.ro"​ 
 Next, in one terminal start the provided Mininet topology. Next, in one terminal start the provided Mininet topology.
cdci/labs/4.1584658928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/20 01:02 by mihai.chiroiu
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