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cdci:labs:1 [2020/02/21 10:11]
mihai.chiroiu [04. [5p] File compare]
cdci:labs:1 [2020/02/24 11:01] (current)
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-====== ​Lab 1. Malware sample analysis ======+====== ​Lab01. Malware sample analysis ======
 ===== Objectives ===== ===== Objectives =====
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 The sample archive contain one malware and uses the "​malware"​ password. ​ The sample archive contain one malware and uses the "​malware"​ password. ​
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-==== 03. [5p] Initial file analysis ====+==== 03. [10p] Initial file analysis ====
 Your network administrator has provided you with 10 files that look suspicious and where caught by the network security equipment. Your job is to determine if there is any suspicious file and find out as much information about it as possible. Fill in the following data for each file. Try to do this using a (PowerShell) script. Your network administrator has provided you with 10 files that look suspicious and where caught by the network security equipment. Your job is to determine if there is any suspicious file and find out as much information about it as possible. Fill in the following data for each file. Try to do this using a (PowerShell) script.
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 Is the previous information enough? Does it really help? Use the WinMergePortable.exe program and compare “test1.exe” against “test2.exe”. What about their hashes, how close are them? Consider the file properties and spot the differences. Is the previous information enough? Does it really help? Use the WinMergePortable.exe program and compare “test1.exe” against “test2.exe”. What about their hashes, how close are them? Consider the file properties and spot the differences.
-==== 05. [5p] Behaviour analysis ====+==== 05. [15p] Behaviour analysis ====
 <​note>​ <​note>​
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 </​note>​ </​note>​
-==== 06. [5p] Malware network activity monitoring ====+==== 06. [10p] Malware network activity monitoring ====
 In this exercise you will monitor the network connections of the malware. Start Wireshark before running the malware and save the captures. You can copy/paste the pcap file outside the VM and analyze it. Please write down the followings: In this exercise you will monitor the network connections of the malware. Start Wireshark before running the malware and save the captures. You can copy/paste the pcap file outside the VM and analyze it. Please write down the followings:
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 For a proper analysis of the malware traffic you can use the netstat tool to view all active connection. It helps to narrow down the traffic from a specific process. Open it before running the application and see the outgoing connections. You can also use TcpLogView to save the data in a readable format. For a proper analysis of the malware traffic you can use the netstat tool to view all active connection. It helps to narrow down the traffic from a specific process. Open it before running the application and see the outgoing connections. You can also use TcpLogView to save the data in a readable format.
-==== 08. [5p] Windows registry activity analysis ====+==== 08. [10p] Windows registry activity analysis ====
 Besides network access, a malware will try to make itself hard to find and to remove, adding different registry entries. Use the Procmon tool to monitor the entries in the registers done by the malware. ​ Besides network access, a malware will try to make itself hard to find and to remove, adding different registry entries. Use the Procmon tool to monitor the entries in the registers done by the malware. ​
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   * Try to find the registry location that allows the malware to run at boot time. (Hint: https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​desktop/​setupapi/​run-and-runonce-registry-keys). Remove it using Registry Editor.   * Try to find the registry location that allows the malware to run at boot time. (Hint: https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​desktop/​setupapi/​run-and-runonce-registry-keys). Remove it using Registry Editor.
-==== 09. [5p] File creation monitoring ====+==== 09. [10p] File creation monitoring ====
 Use the previous data saved (or re-run the procmon tool) and look at the files created and opened by the malware. ​ Use the previous data saved (or re-run the procmon tool) and look at the files created and opened by the malware. ​
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 Modify the malware using the ResourceHacker tool (e.g., version number) and make sure that that hashes changes. Enable the Windows Defender Virus and Threat Defender. See if it can find the old executable as malware, what about the new one? Modify the malware using the ResourceHacker tool (e.g., version number) and make sure that that hashes changes. Enable the Windows Defender Virus and Threat Defender. See if it can find the old executable as malware, what about the new one?
-==== 11. [5p] Threat intelligence ====+==== 11. [10p] Threat intelligence ====
 For more information of the malware please search for the hash on “https://​www.virustotal.com”. What about the new hash, did the virustotal website find it? You can also upload the new file and see the results. Try to see if you can also spot other types of behavior that the malware does in the security report provided. For more information of the malware please search for the hash on “https://​www.virustotal.com”. What about the new hash, did the virustotal website find it? You can also upload the new file and see the results. Try to see if you can also spot other types of behavior that the malware does in the security report provided.
-==== 12. [5p] Threat hunting ====+==== 12. [10p] Threat hunting ====
 The selected malware uses bitcoin as a payment alternative. Investigate how much money did they earned. ​ The selected malware uses bitcoin as a payment alternative. Investigate how much money did they earned. ​
cdci/labs/1.1582272662.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/21 10:11 by mihai.chiroiu
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