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Exam - 22 May 2020

Use OpenStack CDCI template to start a new VM. To access the VM, login to using your UPB credentials, and from there ssh into the private IP from OpenStack using “ubuntu” as a username and your ssh key.

Due to the fact that we have to work remote, please make sure that you record your screen while working. Here is how.

# start the recording after you ssh into the machine
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ asciinema rec lab03_mihai.cast
# !!!IMPORTANT before you start working echo your name in the terminal!!!
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ echo "Mihai Chiroiu's terminal!"
# ============ IMPORTANT ============
# do the tasks: enter docker
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ ./ 
root@attacker:/# pwd
root@attacker:/# exit
# exited docker
# stop recording 
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ exit
asciinema: recording finished
asciinema: press <enter> to upload to, <ctrl-c> to save locally

View the recording at:

# the IP of server has changed, sorry
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ sudo echo "" > /etc/hosts
# upload the recording
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ asciinema upload lab03_mihai.cast

When you finish your work, submit the details on the form . Double check to see if all is good (



02. [5p] Internet connectivity

Before you begin, make sure that you have Internet connectivity on all two nodes (attacker and victim). R1 should be the gateway for the Attacker and Victim. Write down the MAC and IP addresses of all 3 nodes (including the gateway). Use the provided scripts to access the nodes.

root@ip-172-30-0-165:/# ./ 

root@ip-172-30-0-165:/# ./ 
cdci/exam.1590157214.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 17:20 by mihai.chiroiu
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