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Lab06. Data exfiltration

Use OpenStack CDCI template to start a new VM. To access the VM, login to using your UPB credentials, and from there ssh into the private IP from OpenStack using “ubuntu” as a username and your ssh key.

Due to the fact that we have to work remote, please make sure that you record your screen while working. Here is how.

# start the recording after you ssh into the machine
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ asciinema rec lab03_mihai.cast
# !!!IMPORTANT before you start working echo your name in the terminal!!!
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ echo "Mihai Chiroiu's terminal!"
# ============ IMPORTANT ============
# do the tasks: enter docker
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/$ ./ 
root@attacker:/# pwd
root@attacker:/# exit
# exited docker
# stop recording 
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ exit
asciinema: recording finished
asciinema: press <enter> to upload to, <ctrl-c> to save locally

View the recording at:

# the IP of server has changed, sorry
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ sudo echo "" > /etc/hosts
# upload the recording
ubuntu@cdci-v2:~/cdci/labs/lab03$ asciinema upload lab03_mihai.cast

When you finish your work, submit the details on the form . Double check to see if all is good (


cdci/exam.1590149083.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 15:04 by mihai.chiroiu
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