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cdci:exam [2020/05/22 17:51]
cdci:exam [2022/06/03 12:12] (current)
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-====== Exam - 22 May 2020  ​======+====== Exam - 03 June 2022  ​======
 Use OpenStack CDCI template to start a new VM. To access the VM, login to fep.grid.pub.ro using your UPB credentials,​ and from there ssh into the private IP from OpenStack using "​ubuntu"​ as a username and your ssh key.  Use OpenStack CDCI template to start a new VM. To access the VM, login to fep.grid.pub.ro using your UPB credentials,​ and from there ssh into the private IP from OpenStack using "​ubuntu"​ as a username and your ssh key. 
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 ==== 03. [1p] Encryption ==== ==== 03. [1p] Encryption ====
-Use AES128 ​EBC mode and encrypt the “CDCI-EXAM-TODAY” string in. Save it as Base64 in a local file. Use any password for encryption.+Use AES128 ​ECB mode and encrypt the “CDCI-EXAM-TODAY” string in. Save it as Base64 in a local file. Use any password for encryption.
 ==== 04. [2p] ICMP Tunnel ====  ==== 04. [2p] ICMP Tunnel ==== 
-Create an ICMP tunnel between H1 & H2 and send the following string over the tunnel “CDCI-EXAM-TODAY”. ​[1p] Save the traffic and open it using Wireshark (on your personal computer). ​+Create an ICMP tunnel between H1 & H2 and send the following string over the tunnel “CDCI-EXAM-TODAY”. Save the traffic and open it using Wireshark/​tcpdump ​(on your personal computer). ​
 ==== 05. [1p] Snort1 ==== ==== 05. [1p] Snort1 ====
-Write down a snort rule that matches any type of ICMP traffic. Snort is installed on the IDS. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “ICMP for CDCI-EXAM”.+Write down a snort rule that matches any type of ICMP or TCP traffic. Snort is installed on the IDS. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “ICMP for CDCI-EXAM”.
 <​note>​You can run SNORT with the following command: “snort -A fast -b -p -v -c /​etc/​snort/​snort.conf -k none -i IDS-eth0” for faster processing. </​note>​ <​note>​You can run SNORT with the following command: “snort -A fast -b -p -v -c /​etc/​snort/​snort.conf -k none -i IDS-eth0” for faster processing. </​note>​
 ==== 06. [1p] Snort2 ==== ==== 06. [1p] Snort2 ====
-Write down a snort rule that matches any ICMP traffic with the “CDCI-EXAM” payload. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “PAYLOAD CDCI-EXAM”.+Write down a snort rule that matches any ICMP or TCP traffic with the “CDCI-EXAM” payload. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “PAYLOAD CDCI-EXAM”.
 ==== 07. [1p] Snort3 ====  ==== 07. [1p] Snort3 ==== 
-Write down a snort rule that matches any ICMP traffic with the “EXAMCDCI-[A-Z]{3}“ payload encoded as Base64. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “EASY CDCI-EXAM”. ​+Write down a snort rule that matches any ICMP or TCP traffic with the “EXAMCDCI-[A-Z]{3}“ payload encoded as Base64. Make sure an alert is generated with the following message: “EASY CDCI-EXAM”. ​
 <​note>​ Note: “EXAMCDCI-[A-Z]{3}“ ​ is a regex and will match something like: EXAMCDCI -AZI, EXAMCDCI -YES, etc. (https://​regex101.com/​). </​note> ​ <​note>​ Note: “EXAMCDCI-[A-Z]{3}“ ​ is a regex and will match something like: EXAMCDCI -AZI, EXAMCDCI -YES, etc. (https://​regex101.com/​). </​note> ​
cdci/exam.1590159104.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 17:51 by mihai.chiroiu
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