04 - Kernel development


Lecture Notes

In these lecture notes we're going to discuss how to set up a virtual development environment and the difference between using an emulator (i.e., QEMU-system) and a simulator (i.e., ARM's FVP). This should get you all set up for doing some kernel development or enabling you to solve the previous three labs even without access to a development board.

QEMU setup for kernel development

In this section we present a step-by-step guide of setting up a kernel development environment using qemu-system-aarch64. This emulator is very widely used, enables easy kernel debugging, and is extremely efficient. However, it is not a replacement for a hardware testing environment. If you want to develop a device driver and not say, an iptables plugin, you should probably be looking for a development board. Similarly, this emulator does away with most of the ARM boot process, meaning that you're not going to be able to test out the bootloaders studied during the first two sessions. This solution is strictly for kernel development.

Bootstrapping the rootfs

In this example setup we're going to be using debootstrap to generate a root filesystem based on Debian.

$ mkdir rootfs
$ debootstrap --arch arm64 stable rootfs/ \
Chrooting into different architectures

If your host system is x86-64, then chroot-ing into the newly installed rootfs to change the root password (for example) would normally be impossible. However, you can configure your system to automatically run cross-compiled binaries using qemu-user-static. This makes executing non-native binaries transparent to chroot.

For this, you need binfmt.d and qemu-user-static. It's up to you to find the appropriate packages on your distribution :p

Note in the setup instructions below how we copy qemu-aarch64-static into our bootstrapped directory. When chroot-ing, we are creating what is called a mount namespace. Essentially, we are voluntarily restricting the spawned process' view of the entire filesystem in such way that it will think that the rootfs/ directory is in fact the root filesystem. However, the transition to the new mount namespace happens before spawning the /bin/bash process, so that we don't use the native, x64 one. While this doesn't impact the kernel's ability to consult the binfmt.d service, it does pose a problem in that the userspace process still needs to have access to qemu-aarch64-static. As a result, we need to copy it in the bootstrapped filesystem so that it is available to a x64 kernel and CPU to execute while the userspace process is in a subordinated mount namespace. This is also the reason why we are using the static version instead of simply qemu-aarch64 (that has shared object dependencies): because we want to limit the number of x64 binaries installed in a arm64 rootfs and avoid overwriting pre-existing shared objects with the same name.

# make sure the binfmt service is active
$ systemctl status systemd-binfmt
# create the binfmt config file for aarch64 ELF handling
# if you have the `qemu-user-static-binfmt` package on your distro, copy this
# file instead of using the heredoc: /usr/lib/binfmt.d/qemu-aarch64-static.conf
$ cat >/etc/binfmt.d/qemu-aarch64-static.conf <<EOF
# verify that the config was loaded correctly
$ cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64
    interpreter /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static
    flags: PF
    offset 0
    magic 7f454c460201010000000000000000000200b700
    mask ffffffffffffff00fffffffffffffffffeffffff
# copy qemu-user-static into the bootstraped dir
$ cp $(which qemu-aarch64-static) rootfs/usr/bin/
# chroot into the aarch64 distribution
$ chroot rootfs /bin/bash

The Linux kernel

This step is very straightforward. Just clone the Linux repo (with depth=1 to squash the commit history, reducing the amount of downloaded data) and compile it for the arm64 target. Notice in the instructions below that we also specify kvm_guest.config. We don't plan to perform a perfect emulation of arm64 devices but instead be transparent to the kernel and let it know that it's running in a virtual environment. This permits us to cut some corners and save some crucial clock cycles, increasing the performance of the VM. This is also the main difference between emulation and simulation.

Optionally, you can enable the generation of debug symbols and gdb helper scripts. The config options are CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_DWARF5 and CONFIG_GDB_SCRIPTS, found under Kernel hacking → Compile-time checks and compiler options. Also, make sure CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_REDUCED is disabled so that the compiler will generate debug info for structures.

# clone the repo
~$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git
~$ cd linux/
# generate a default config & compile
# NOTE: the default target will also compile the modules
linux$ make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm64 defconfig kvm_guest.config
linux$ make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm64 -j $(nproc)
# prepare the kernel build environment for compiling out-of-tree modules (for later)
linux$ make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ARCH=arm64 modules_prepare -j $(nproc)
# (optional) install modules in the bootstrapped rootfs directory
linux$ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../rootfs make modules_install
# notice how the modules are installed under rootfs/lib/modules/ and a subdirectory
# that's specific to this exact kernel version; you can check this version as shown below
# NOTE: the "-rc<n>" after the "<major>.<minor>.<patch>" stands for "release candidate"
linux$ make kernelversion

When navigating the source code of any project, it's useful to be able to jump to definitions / references of a particular symbol. This functionality is provided by a language server (e.g.: clangd. If your editor implements a Language Server Protocol (LSP) client, you should be able to interact with the language server whose job is to index the source code.

Unfortunately, the server does not have any foolproof method of inferring the structure of the project. For example, it has no idea whether you are using the arm64 or the x86 definition of a function. Luckily for us, the Linux build system contains a script that's able to generate a file names compile_commands.json. This file contains all compiler invocations used during the boot and can deduce include paths, compiled source, macro definitions, etc. The language server will automatically load it and generate indices for the compiled source code.

linux$ ./scripts/clang-tools/gen_compile_commands.py

Note that this script only works for the Linux kernel. If you want to generate compile_commands.json for other projects, consider using Bear. This is a tool that hooks the exec() family of library calls via LD_PRELOAD hooking in order to extract the command arguments.

Also, for such a large codebase, expect the language server to take up a lot of your CPU when you first open your editor, while doing the indexing (usually in a .cache/ directory).

Booting the VM

In order to boot the VM, we're going to use the following script:

# get workspace directory path from environtment
# or use the current working directory as a default value
# boot up the VM
qemu-system-aarch64                     \
    -machine virt                       \
    -cpu cortex-a53                     \
    -smp 1                              \
    -m 512M                             \
    -nographic                          \
    -kernel linux/arch/arm64/boot/Image \
    -virtfs local,path=${WS_DIR}/rootfs,mount_tag=rootfs,security_model=passthrough,id=rootfs,multidevs=remap \
    -append "root=rootfs rootfstype=9p rootflags=trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L rw console=ttyAMA0"

This may look overwhelming but let's take it one step at a time and analyze each flag passed to qemu-system-aarch64:

  • machine: Specifies what platform we want it to emulate. For example, it can emulate even a Raspberry Pi 4B. Here, virt means that we're transparent to the guest kernel that its running in a virtual environment. For a full list of supported platforms, pass this flag the help argument.
  • cpu: The CPU model that we want it to emulate. Note that it can't emulate the exact implementation of a vendor, such as the i.MX8M Quad on our boards. Only the high-level specification that ARM provides, namely the Cortex-A53.
  • smp: Number of symmetric multi-processors (basically CPUs) that we want to allocate to the VM. Keep this under the value of $(nproc)).
  • m: The amount of RAM to allocate to the VM.
  • nographic: If this option is left out, qmeu-system will spawn a GUI window for the VM's terminal. As Linux users, we resent this and instead ask the emulator to redirect the VM's I/O to/from our current terminal. If you need to forcibly shut down qemu-system while in this mode, use the <Ctrl + A> + X key combination.
  • kernel: Pretty self-explanatory. It's the kernel image that will be loaded.
  • virtfs: This options specifies virtual storage device based on 9p remote filesystem protocol. Using this instead of a disk image (like the one you had to create with partx in the second session) can be chalked up to personal preference. With 9p you can manipulate the guest filesystem from the host while the VM is running. If we used a disk image, we'd have to double mount it to obtain the same functionality and this would lead to corruptions with 100% certainty due to the lack of synchronization mechanisms at the VFS driver level (between host and guest kernels). For more information regarding it's key-value list of arguments, check out the documentation.
  • append: The command line arguments for the kernel. Check this out for more kernel cli arguments.
    • root=rootfs: The rootfs device, it's value must match that of the mount_tag attribute from the previous flag.
    • rootfstype=9p: Informs the kernel what the backing storage device for the rootfs will be.
    • rootflags=trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L: p9-specific configuration; it's copy-pasted from the QEMU docs :p
    • rw: Specifies that the rootfs must be mounted with both read and write permissions. Our home directory is on that partition so yeah, it'd better be writeable.
    • console=ttyAMA0: The standard output for the kernel's terminal (that's also being used in userspace; this is a “server” flavor of a debian distribution). The ttyAMA0 is specific to a serial device that's instantiated by the emulator based on the machine flag's value.


If the terminal in the VM is acting weird (e.g., commands wrapping over onto the same line and overwriting the characters on display), set TERM=xterm inside the VM. This variable defines the type of terminal for which the shell prepares its output. You can read up more on this topic here but xterm is a safe option for bash, zsh and sh.

Some terminal emulators such as kitty support custom TERM values such as xterm-kitty but most shells won't have any idea how to particularize the output for it. Stick to xterm :p

If the VM doesn't accept your root login password even after specifically setting it from chroot via passwd, make sure you're running the script with sudo. When debootstrapping the rootfs, the file owner was set to root, meaning that your unprivileged user won't have read access to /etc/shadow that has rw---- permissions. As a result, systemd-login won't be able to validate your password against its stored cryptographic hash. Though I agree, it could be a bit more verbose about that fact :/

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