ARM Summer School (5-10 august 2024)

Greetings! In this course, we will delve into the world of embedded systems engineering using ARM microprocessors. Our focus will be on the System-on-Chip architecture prevalent in the ARM world, beginning with the fundamentals of low-level firmware.

We will explore the intricacies of the boot process, configuring and compiling its various components entirely from scratch. The result will be a streamlined Linux distribution, encompassing the kernel, rootfs, and initramfs.

To enhance our understanding of security, we will introduce innovative technologies such as Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) and ARM TrustZone.

Finally, we will provide a short overview of Linux Kernel development, device drivers and their customization.

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of learning and discovery!

As for the lab, we will be having hands-on experience on a TechNexion PICO-PI-IMX8M featuring a NXP i.MX8M Quad ARM Cortex-A53 + M4 SoC with 2GB DRAM.


If you have any questions, fill free to contact us:


Schedule: 05.08 - 10.08 2024 (room EG302)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
10 - 16 - - - - - TBD
16 - 17 Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation -
17 - 21 Labs Labs Labs Labs Labs -
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