Embedded Linux Summer School

This summer schools aims to be gentle introduction into Linux Embedded development using i.MX8 family boards as a vehicle.

What is this summer school about:

  • learn about the Linux kernel development environment
  • get hands on experience with real hardware using an NXP i.MX8 board
  • create a Linux kernel driver for a simple device connected on a standard bus

If you have an interest in embedded systems and low level programming please fill in this form



  • NXP, Campus 6 (near Politehnica)
Date Time Lab name
July, 8 17:00 - 20:00 Introducation
July, 9 17:00 - 20:00 “Hello World”
July, 10 17:00 - 20:00 Device Tree
July, 11 17:00 - 20:00 Device Drivers

There will be four session organized around hands on activities that will take up to 3 hours. Each session will contain a theoretical part (hour) and a practical lab (two hours).

Introduction to Embedded Linux kernel development

  • setup development environment (cross compiler toolchain)
  • compile Linux kernel and modules on arm64
  • build system and configuration options
  • boot the i.MX8 board

Basics of writing a Linux kernel module

  • create a simple “hello world” module
  • learn about printk & friends
  • userspace vs kernelspace interface
  • hack on a skeleton driver

Basics of Device tree

  • learn how hardware is described in the ARM world
  • learn how to create a device tree node and associated it with a Linux driver
  • learn about standard embedded busses

Hardware application

  • learn how to read hardware specs
  • learn about Linux kernel subsystems and coding patterns
  • have fun and create a driver for a real hardware device
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