Linux physical machine

Packages to install

sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
sudo apt-get install flex bison
sudo apt-get install minicom
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo apt install vim
sudo apt install tmux
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install device-tree-compiler
#also download uuu binary and add it to PATH

Directories hierarchy

Clone all the repos inside ~/work directory.

$ mkdir ~/work
$ cd ~/work

1. Clone the Linux kernel

$ cd ~/work/
$ git clone --depth 1

2. Clone the images repo

$ git clone

3. Download rootfs

Download rootfs file from this location and copy it inside ~/work/images/

4. Clone the scripts repo

$ cd ~/work/
$ git clone

IMPORTANT: Edit the 'uuu_script' so that you replace all patch containing /home/student with your actual $HOME directory.

At the end you should have the following files hierarchy:

├── nss-linux                  # Linux kernel source code
├── images                     # prebuild binaries
│   ├── flash.bin
│   ├── Image
│   ├── imx8mq-pico-pi.dtb
│   └── rootfs.ext2
└── scripts                    # several scripts to help with compilation and booting
    ├── uuu
    └── uuu_script
lkd/res/linux.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 10:42 by daniel.baluta
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