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osp [2017/06/06 12:19]
laura.ruse [Timetable]
osp [2017/08/30 10:29] (current)
laura.ruse [Announcements]
Line 21: Line 21:
     * **Monday, 29th of May 2017, 2pm, room PR706**     * **Monday, 29th of May 2017, 2pm, room PR706**
     * **Tuesday, 6th of June 2017, 2pm, room PR706**     * **Tuesday, 6th of June 2017, 2pm, room PR706**
 +  * The exams for the September 2017 **exam session** will take place on: 
 +    * **Friday, 1st of September 2017, 11am, room PR706**
 +    * **Friday, 8th of September 2017, 11am, room PR706**
osp.1496740759.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/06/06 12:19 by laura.ruse
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