Rules and Grading


  • 2.5 points Mid-term exam (from lectures 1-5)
    • Multiple choice, single answer quiz
  • 2.5 points Final exam (from lectures 6-10)
    • Multiple choice, single answer quiz

Labs & Project

  • 2.4 points Lab activity
    • 8 labs - 0.4p each
  • 3 points Assignment
    • The assignment will be done in teams of two students.
    • There can also be teams with a single student, but it is not recommended.
    • Each team has to present the assignment to the lab assistant (functionality, implementation).

May-June Special Exam Session

  • In the May-June special exam session (only for 2nd year master students) the mid-term quiz and the final exam may be taken again.

September Exam Session

  • In the September exam session the mid-term quiz and the final exam may be taken again.
osp/rules-and-grading.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/05/28 21:49 by laura.ruse
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